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DJ Tempora

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Posts posted by DJ Tempora

  1. PS: For it being an "eyesore", you sure are wasting a lot of YOUR time in here, aren't you? I'm sure that says something about you, too...

    I, for one, haven't wasted any time here. I've enjoyed myself thoroughly. The only person wasting time in this thread is you; it's an ill pursuit to argue against the inevitable.


    I use these names because I don't like giving my real name out on the internet or to people I don't know.

    Uh, whoops.

    shit guys

  2. PS, to DJTempora and all those other people who love to "quote": I like how you guys selectively quote to your hearts content. Really, like I said, read on, and you'll find what I mean. That DJT quote of me not liking how I didn't start things, totally out of context the way you quoted it. Nice job.

    I thought you might enjoy that. Cheers.


  3. I already dealt with this. Read on. Go to the Technomancer website. Go to the PA forums, where the CEO of Technomancer is ready and willing to answer questions.

    Naw, I'm good. It states in several places that the game is a LARP. That's good enough for me to call your ass out.

    I love how I didn't start this, either.

    Mayhaps, but you're the OP. Suck it up.

    I see no reason why I should have to leave a thread I created for a purpose, while you can stay around to give me crap about something that should have been dealt with 3 pages back.

    Yeah, 3 pages back, when you should've stopped trying to claim the game isn't a LARP. What's the deal? You ashamed, or just trying to justify the game after everyone jumped on you?

    Now, YOU stop it.

    no u

  4. See, the thing is... it's not LARPing.

    Like, at all. You can play it that way if you want, but you can also just run around killing people.

    Anyone else see a slight problem here?

    If it ain't LARPing, I have a feeling the WA police are going to want to have a talksie with you. If you're not doing it for real, it's role playing. Live.


  5. I hope that this isn't the final version of the menu music or else this is teh lose. I thought they were going to have a fullorchestra and choir for the soundtrack? I mean the arrangement is very nice, but the synth orchestra hurts my ears. Real instruments plz.

    Well, I have no actual evidence to back this up... but just on conjecture I'd say that they are going to orchestrate everything at the end, when all the music is composed. Orchestration is expensive, no need to hire the orchestra multiple times just for blog updates.

    [EDIT] Oh, and in case you didn't know, it says on the blog that the majority of the music WILL be orchestrated. I don't know about "Menu 1," but there ya go.

  6. Oh, also, major props to Viginia's governor for the following, via CNN.com:

    Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine said he wasn't interested in arguments about gun control.

    "People who want to take this within 24 hours of the event and make it their political hobby horse to ride, I've got nothing but loathing for them," Kaine said at a Tuesday evening news conference.

    "To those who want to try to make this into some little crusade, I say: Take that elsewhere. Let this community deal with grieving individuals and be sensitive to those needs."

    That goes for any and all other politicizations (Yeah, I'm looking at you, JT) as well. This is a time for everyone to support Virginia Tech, nothing more.

  7. I imagine UE already plugged it in another thread somewhere, but if you haven't seen it, you can check out an excellent Puzzle Quest interview that he did here.

    In short, yes, Puzzle Quest is amazing. All DS owners (haven't played the PSP version, I'm sure it's good too) need to go give it a try.

  8. No really, Pichu is a worthless character that no one should be able to beat you with. His kills moves are all slow and laggy, his air moves are mostly failures, and he damages himself. Not to mention the size really doesn't matter if you know how to play your character at the higher levels of the game
    You guys missed the part where I said IF YOU LOSE AGAINST PICHU YOU JUST NEED TO PLAY SMARTER.

    Again, I disagree with both of you. Pichu has many faults, but it's perfectly understandable to lose to him against someone of a higher skill level. Whether you play smart or not, Pichu is not so bad as to negate that.

    Now if you're playing against someone of roughly the same skill level, I agree, you've got a problem there.

  9. Edit: For Pichu: No matter how good anyone is with him, you shouldn't lose to him. EVER. You need to play smarter if you lose to Pichu.

    Dude, I'm surprised that you would make a statement like that. I don't know if you're just being dramatic, but Pichu is still a challenge in the hands of a capable adversary. I'm sure someone moderately better than you, or someone moderately better than me, would have no trouble beating us with the small yellow rat.

    And on another note, Ice Climbers own you all. Don't you fucking forget it.

  10. Man, what a fun style. I'm impressed at how much variation you were able to pull out of the title theme. I'm afraid I'm not musically inclined, as far as arrangement and soforth, so you'll have to listen to everyone else for actual advice. But from a Metroid fan's ear, this sounds crisp.



    I seem to remember some Excitebike ReMixes on OCR, but nothing showed up in the search. I also searched for Excitebike tracks in this forum and in WIP, and didn't find any. That being the case, my request is for some lovely Excitebike remixing. I think all us Wii owners could use some music for Excitetruck's custom soundtrack feature.

    Style can be anything you want; electric guitar riffage seems appropriate, but I'll take just barebones techno or anything you can do. Source material includes the Title theme and the Game Start theme, here. It's not much, I know, but you remixers have a knack for stretching these themes out. Thanks alot to any takers!

  12. And the best new DS game is... wha?

    Never saw that one coming. 8O

    Then you obviously never played much of the first one. The Tony Hawk DS games control great and have beautiful graphics (and run at 60fps). There's massive customization options for graffiti and skateboards, all of which can be uploaded online and downloaded from other users. What's more, entire 2:00 skate run videos can be downloaded from other players and watched on your DS. And once you get tired of the main game, you can go online and play a variety of multiplayer games, or download the new challenges that come out every week.

    THDJ does one better, with full customization options for appearance and clothes and voice chat in-game. As in, not just in between sessions like Metroid Prime: Hunters, but actually during the session.

    Anyone want to add friends in Contact? I like getting free stuff.

    Sure, only I don't think I've unlocked it yet. How far do you have to get?

  13. I'm addicted.



    Really? Played it at E3 and found it to be pretty mediocre. You have the weirdest taste in games, man- that's why I like you.

    Oh, except SoA. You know how much I dig that one.

    Contact is a dull game that somehow keeps my interest.


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