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  1. To convert the very subbtle harmonies of this original tune in a disco remix was very daring. At the first listenning, I didn't really like it because I felt the music was too rich for this genre wich emphazises more on the rythms than on the melody. But, after I started to like it. It add a little more strenght that the original laked. And the few extrapolations, for example in the intro, are very good , they fit with the original and they stand by themselves too. I must add, that in my opinion, the original theme is one of the best ever composed for video game.
  2. Well it's a nice score, well written, with good extrapolations. But maybe it coold have been better performed( the keyboard is hit a little hard). Nice idea to use only the piano. In my opinion, it lacks a little in the treble tones. The original tone was very much in the trebles, the use of violin may have been a good idea.
  3. Besides, all the tracks of the game are based on the same theme.
  4. Protoricity confirms they are real pros far above the average level of the remixers.
  5. I paste the messsage I wrote to him as a review. In French as he speaks French and I am French, what a luck. Ton remix de la Ghost House de SMB4 a quelques bons côtés. J'aime bien l'extrapolation du thème principal, l'instrumentation orchestrale assure. Mais désolé de te dire que le mariage entre rythme éléctronique et percussions n'a pas du tout pris. Le rythme ne s'accorde pas du tout à la mélodie et ne fait que nuire à l'orchestre et à l'âme de la musique.Il faudrait le supprimer ou alors le ralentir considérablement. "Ghost of the Marble hall" de l'autre remixer reste la référence pour moi. Bon choix de remake cependant. Pourquoi ne pas remixer le thème du château? Je me souviens des fameux "Whaouwha, whaouwha", de cette sublime musique. Here is the translation: This Ghost House remix has some qualities. I like the main theme extrapolation, the orchestral intrumentation is very good. Buth unfortunately the electronic beat doesn't fit at all with the melody and the instruments, it destroys its souls, the result being goofy. This beat should be erased or at least significantly slowed. "Ghost of the marble hall" reamins the reference for me. Good choice of remake anyway. Why not remixing the Castle theme? I remember the famous "Whouhoua, whouaha" of this wonderful score.
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