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Posts posted by watkinzez

  1. This Friday is his last day, leaving both the soundtracks to Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise as his last work at the company.

    His MySpace post:

    Well everyone.....it's a very sad time, I have to tell you all that I've resigned from Rare. This Friday (18th) will be my last day at the company. Recording the stuff in Prague with Robin for Banjo has been my last task before I leave.

    Needless to say my time at Rare has been the most amazing and rewarding experience imaginable and I'm going to miss not being there.

    Nearly 13 years ago now, Rare gave a long haired metal fan a chance that no-one else would and I am forever in their debt.

    I've worked with some fantastically talented people and it's their creativity that has spurred me on to write and create the stuff I have.........I really can't put it into words.

    I wish the company and people there all the luck in the world!


    Grant's music is the reason I got into game music a decade ago, and remains as one of my favourite composers in the field. Good luck in your future endeavors, Grant.
  2. IGN thinks that MIDI is outdated and should be completely scrapped in favour of prerecorded stuff. They're not a credible source for VGM.

    I don't think Honeyhive Galaxy is live, though. It does remind me of Toejam and Earl, however. :razz:

  3. Diddy Kong Racing- YES

    Better than MK64, for truth- you all know it. Weapons that rely not on luck, but skill. A single player mode that has some semblance of progress. Planes. A totally awesome Dave Wise soundtrack.

    I'd recommend Chadly's second 'hardcore' gamer to play less, appreciate more. Should something like Fallout 2 not be recognised because some people bite off more than they can chew?

  4. · Would instruction manuals count as credible quote sources? Donkey Kong says "The Kremlings will pay! I'll hunt them down through every corner of my island, until I have every last banana from my horde back!!" in the Donkey Kong Country manual's story section, which IMO isn't half bad. Or should we only include in-game quotes?

    -I'll vouch for that one at least. Rare often use their manuals to expand their plots.

    -The Toyota quote was meant as a joke, and wasn't really intended for final use. :razz:

    -Buggered if I can remember where I got that Prince quote from. Pretty sure it would appear in the credits, if anywhere. I'd probably remove it.

    You can never have enough :nicework: in this thread. Thumbs up from me.

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