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Xenon Odyssey

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Posts posted by Xenon Odyssey

  1. I got this MacBook Pro with my college tution. Apparently it was the newest model to come out, with a new "mecury-free" screen and other stuff...it also came with free PhotoShop (as well as an assload of Adobe programs), and Sibelius 5, Reason, and BandInABox.

    But yeah, I'll have to echo about the programs being as reliable as their Windows counterparts, and how sometimes the systems locks up for no reason and there is no "command prompt" that allows you to fix anything.

    tl;dr -

  2. This reminds me of last Wednesday, when I went to my Composition workshop:

    Prof.: "I've got good news and bad news, fellas! What do you want to hear first?"

    Us: "Uh...the bad news?"

    Prof.: "You are enrolled to a life of employment as of the moment!"

    Us: "Ha, ok...so what's the good news?"

    Prof.: "What good news?"

    Then we learned that out of every industry that you can get into, video games have now overtaken Hollywood in the "Most Money" category.

    Though I remember zircon saying this like, 6 months ago so I already knew...and it's not like you can just waltz up there to the top anyhow...

  3. you did submit this to OLR...

    this is what i wrote in my judging message (since you probably won't see that for the next 4 months):

    It was nice, but it got repetive after a while.

    I suggest you add some more instruments and have them do something in the later parts of the mix, as well as pull out some wicked drums beats (which i was waiting for but they never happened :( )

    good first try! i look forward to more of your work

    NOTE: this is by OLR standards. DEFINATELY nothing for OCR.

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