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Posts posted by ncjason77

  1. Hey there! Just took a listen to your song. Nice job on it in terms of arrangement. Here are some things I liked about it:

    The right hand piano section is nice.

    I really liked the violins doing the counter melody.

    Nice job in establishing a good tempo and theme throughout your song. (The name definitely matches the song)

    Here are some things I noticed that you could improve/change in your song:

    1. DYNAMICS!!!!!!!!! (Big one here.... Nearly every note was struck at the same velocity!!!!)

    While I did feel the the theme of the song, I did not feel compelled or moved by it at all. One way you can really improve this is through variation of volume. Overall I feel your piece could be a little bit quieter, and from there you could raise and lower the velocity of the notes at your own discretion.

    2. Rubatto!!!!!! (Speed up and slow down of the tempo)

    This is another big one. You can put more emotion into your songs by putting you music into "Phrases" and speeding and slowing the tempo down at your discretion. It might seem a little unnatural at first but as you progress in composing your instinct will prove to be best.

    But overall not bad at all. Keep it up and don't get lazy! Always strive for the best. I look forward to hearing your updates in the future.

    Sweet! Thx for the advice! I'm still learning how to use my software, so I need to figure out how to tweak the tempo mid song.

    As far as the dynamics go... I see what you're sayin. Maybe I'll try starting from scratch on the leads and seein if I can correct that problem.

    Thx again for the advice!

  2. I've been workin on this song for a few weeks now. It's getting pretty damn close to bein done, but I can't think figure out what else it needs. Please feel free to give me any suggestions you may have!


    Hope you enjoy what I have so far!

    Edit: The original upload was of a much older version of the song. The latest version is now uploaded. It should be much easier on the ears, lol.

  3. Entertaining video concerning THE KNEE

    that's actually a good buddy of mine that made that vid. His name is Shawn Tanner (aka Afro Ninja). I'm the peach that's getting the shit kneed out of her during the wall jump knees, lol.

    also... if u check out his other smash vids... i'm BBG... once again gettin the shit kneed out of me...

  4. Do any of you guys make videos of your matches? If so, could you post them? I'd like to see how some of you guys play. I have one here if anyone is interested

    be gentle :lol:

    also... if anyone knows of a good video compression software... please let me know.

  5. Well my roommate informed me that we have a DVD recorder out in the living room hooked up to the TV and all. I could record some video of my playing style with my characters... but I don't know how fun it would be for you guys to watch.

    Just do it, I'd watch it. I watch stuff when I'm bored, and I'm bored most of the time.

    my buddy and i tried recording ourselves with a dvd recorder and it caused some lag for awhile. it made it a lot harder to play for awhile, but it eventually synched up after like 45 minutes or so. I made a sample music vid from the footage if you're interested.

    creds to trenthian for the wip i used of hers btw...

    we're not pros, but we've won a few tournaments in our area.

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