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  1. That's all good info Ifirit, thanks. I appologize for the next statements, they aren't very organized. I'm not anywhere an authority on the matter, but I believe that Metatron is the Voice of God, the highest ranking Archangel, correct? If indeed the God that was being bore by Heather was the God that Metatron represents, it would make sense for Valtiel to protect it and Heather. It would also make sense if Red Pyramid Thing is an invokation of the evil form of Valtiel as well because then Metatron would have sway over it - in the form of it's sirens which ward off the monster. But saying those things, if you *spoilers* destroy "God" in the end of SH3 wouldn't you be betraying Valtiel and Metatron? I'm now leaning towards a complete lack of Samael's presence in SH at all, but rather Metatron and "God". Instead of having a lesser of two evils situation (Metatron being the lesser), it seems that Metatron is just plain evil. One other scrap of information - the save points in SH3 (And SH2, I believe. It's been a while since I played it). I found this: If anything, I just thought it an interesting subject. ~AX~
  2. I hate being gone for weeks on end. Anywho, Ifirit I was waiting for you to reply to my post, I just knew you'd have some interesting info. I have one question though, how does the supposed "tattoo" of the Seal of Metatron upon Valtiel explained. It was indeed Samael that Claudia was trying to revive and that Valtiel was looking over, but it wouldn't make sense for Valtiel to do that if he was an agent of Metatron. That's why I came to the conclusion that he was looking over Heather instead of Samael and drew the distinction between Pyramid Head and Valtiel. ~AX~
  3. Wow, I just read every single post in this topic from the beggining. To touch on a few things I think you guys missed. I really wouldn't call the Cult "Hope House Cult" because the cult was around much longer than Hope House. In Silent Hill 3, at the Curch there are several paintings on the wall that talk about the Cult's belief system: This hints at several things. Firstly, the God they speak of is Samael IMO and that is supported by a couple things which I will get into later. I found it interesting that they said that Samael was created by two people, even though it says a man and a woman I think it hints at Silent Hill 1 a bit (Man who offers snake - Alessa, woman who offers reed - Cheryl). Secondly, and I feel, most importantly - the red god, Xuchilbara and the yellow god, Lobsel Vith. We can discern that these two are most likely Pyramid Head and Valtiel. This leads me to believe that Pyramid Head and Valtiel are seemingly invincible because they are beyond the reach of the people of Silent Hill. We've established that everyone's fears, hatreds, sins, ect. form their version of hell when in Silent Hill and that they "create" the monsters from their psyche but Pyramid Head and Valtiel don't seem to fit any mold. Something else interesting in SH folklore - The Seal of Metatron. I think this was touched on briefly a long time ago, but it's worth bringing back up. The Seal of Metatron has "anti-god" properties, as stated in Silent Hill 3. Apparently Valtiel has a tattoo or brand or something on one of it's arms of The Seal of Metatron. This seems to illustrate something that is also hinted at in SH2. Metatron and Samael are in a conflict over Silent Hill. I think Samael is absolutely the god that created Pyramid Head and Valtiel, but I think Metatron won a victory over Samael in the form of Valtiel... maybe taking away Samaels control of Valtiel by branding it. I don't really think either one is exactly better than the other one, but I think Metatron probably has a better grasp over "normal" Silent Hill, and Samael has power over "alternate" Silent Hill. Also, I don't know where I heard this, but apparently the sirens you hear that ward off Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2 are supposed to be Metatron's doing. Metatron is looking over James and deciding when he's had enough torture from Pyramid Head. It makes sense in that Xuchilbara is a god itself (albeit a lesser god) and the Seal of Metatron has anti-god powers so, the "Siren of Metatron" (as I like to call it) would annoy the Pyramid Head and get it to back off. The Historical society and several locations have Pyramid Head related things in them, so obviously Pyramid Head has been around since before James went to Silent Hill, I just think they are following Samael's orders to torture him. That lends itself well to the theory that Metatron and Samael are really the two forces controlling Silent Hill. Maybe Alessa still has some effect on it because she left some kind of imprint on Samael, but for the most part we can assume that the town was relatively strange before Alessa thanks to the long history of the Cult. Well, there's a lot to chew on there so I should probably stop for now. These are really just my feelings and my perceptions on the town. I can't really buy into Alessa controlling every aspect of Alternate Silent Hill, although I can see her influence in it. I really want to believe that the whole story is grander than Alessa's nightmares, you know, more like two godly forces fighting each other indirectly. ~AX~
  4. Incredible. I love this mix to the max. ~AX~
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