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Posts posted by ekm

  1. I grabbed this from VGMix the other day, and it blew my socks off. Maybe it was because I was in the Caribbean mindset after playing Tropico all day, but this is one hell of a toe tapper.

    Only a couple of minor things that would keep me from giving this 100% in an instant - first off, I felt several of the songs used in the medley could've been given more play time. The Yoshi's Story bits at the end, for instance, would benefit from being a bit longer - I think you'll be hard-pressed to find someone that doesn't like Kondo's beautiful Yoshi theme.

    Listening through it again while I write this, the bit from Mario 64's water levels right before you go into Yoshi's Story deserved at least another bar or so too.

    On the technical side of things, I have nothing to complain about. No clipping, crackling, or dissonant notes that my ears felt like mentioning to me.

    Keep up the good work, man. I'd love to see more of this with something like the Mario 2 theme, or the Mario 64 credits.

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