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Everything posted by renrutal

  1. Well, excellent remix, truly what you can call a professional work. But I'm rather unimpressed, perhaps I didn't listen it long enough to really enjoy, it's really great and all, but it's overly repetitive, somewhat unoriginal, short and more importantly: it lacked feeling. I know the original song is repetitive, and this is rather more like a tribute than a remix with original stuff, but still his original works are much better, I simply don't have enough praise words to describe Total Annihilation. I have many songs from djpretzel, Protricity, CoMM, Star Salzman, Kong in Concert and Relics of Chozo albuns, and some songs from CT and Xenogears in OCR, specially the Live/Piano songs that I'd put in higher regard than this one. It's excellent, much above than the average, but even Soule needs more remixing/game music rearrangement time to touch my heart like many of the songs here in OCR did. Good thing his original songs already do that job. Sorry for the whole song comparison thing, but this one is special enough to deserve it.
  2. This completely sucks, I can't get that song out of my head for three days, and I keep going back to listen it again and again and reading the lyrics at the same time. Damn you Mr. Pretzel for making something that great.
  3. I liked it, I played it with my headphones on and the percussion had a funny effect. Usually near some very loud percussions you think your heart is beating in the same rhythm. This one was almost doing an ear massage, t'was sorta cool. Very nice 2:10 BTW.
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