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Mr. Dillznick

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Everything posted by Mr. Dillznick

  1. I didn't like it at all. WAAAY to chaotic, even for techno. Sorry that's all I can think of.
  2. Wow I really love this song. I'm glad you took one of the few slow/sad songs and made a jazzmix out of it, instead of using one of the upbeat themes. The sax is very good in this, and the strings in the background are very nice too! This was one of my favourite themes anyway so Kudos on making such a superb mix for it!!
  3. You can definitely hear the resemblance with Triforce Majeure, but this is probably just as good! Nice work Kupo!
  4. oh god... i love you... hehe no seriously you KNOW music! Great Job!
  5. Wow even thouh i dont remember what song this is from and it ain't my favorite it just gave me that feeling again! That feeling I had when I finished CT for the 1st time! Great remix, very nice touch to it, keep it up you rock man!
  6. It was indeed pretty good, but I always love to hear the resemblance with the real song and that was pretty low in this one. Still a good job!
  7. This is a very Funky remix I was just listening to it and it has the style of the game in it. Very good. For some of the party's I would have used another instrument but its overall very nice. Keep it up!
  8. Hey that techno mix was pretty fun to but not as good as the beautiful orchestral remix. If this were to be in an actual Zelda game I'd buy it even if the main character was Tingle!! (ok maybe im overreacting on that one , but hey, just tryin' to express my feelings for the song )
  9. Holy crap this touched me dude, they should use this in the next game...I love you!! And im not even gay!!
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