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Posts posted by Beatdown

  1. Street Fighter Anthology is pretty ok, but if you want some REAL fighters...

    * Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - Comes with SF3:3s and every version of SF2 in one disk

    * Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 - It's a fun game to play with friends for wtf moments

    * Capcom Vs. SNK 2 - Awesome mix of two gaming giants

    * King of Fighters 00/01 - You want this just for 00, 2000 is one of the best entries into the KoF series

    Also go for Gradius V, R-Type Final, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, God Hand, Rez and Katamari Damacy

    You totally left out VF4:E and KoF2002, but that's ok. We all make mistakes.

    Also, if you have absolutely nothing to do with your life you should get into FFXII. You'll finish the game just in time to catch the new ice age.

  2. There have been a number of games over the years that have had bare breasts. I think it has to do with what happens with the nudity (i.e. fucking), rather than just nudity itself.

    Besides... isn't God of War supposed to have bare breasted women? I know in Painkiller, there's a nip slip or two with Eve in the cinemas.

    That's true. God of War not only had boobies, but in the very beginning of the second stage in the original you could hop back in bed with both topless ladies and play a minigame that had you beating it up offscreen while watching a table thump increasingly harder. Not only that, but the chick who told you where to go had a veil that may as well have been transparant on her body, and the gorgons you fought were topless (does not count, worst boobies ever). I'm guessing a lot of that was leaning more towards the fact that historically they just didn't wear that much in those days anyway.

    However unlike the Hot Coffee nonsense in GTA, the sweater puppies themselves weren't the main focus when they were on screen. They were kinda just there. That and Kratos exudes an aura of such strong awesomeness that I don't think anyone really cared that much about it. I still stand by the porn statement though. There's a fine line between brief nudity (PG-13/R) and blatant sex (AO/XXX/Internet).

  3. Anyone heard of this SNES shooter called Space Megaforce? In Japan and Europe, it was known as Super Aleste and it is developed by the same people who brought us Puyo Puyo, M.U.S.H.A., and Kirby's Avalanche.


    This wasn't going anywhere, was it?

  4. Def Jam: Icon is depressingly average, and not the brutal fun the previous games were. Where did my ridiculously painful, over the top "why is he bending that way WHAT WAS THAT SOUND?!" moves go? Why am I spending half the fight spinning my track over that guy's? Why did that helicopter just swing down and smack me? I do not understand. :puppyeyes:

  5. Eh. I got VF games down to a science with D-pads and d-pads don't do anything too negative with 2D fighters for me. I think it's a matter of habit.

    Considering there's an entire axis of movement absent in 2D fighters, I think it's safe to say it'd be much easier to work a pad in Guilty Gear than it would be in VF. Unfortunately for you, the heretic burns at dawn tommorow morning.

  6. Thank you very much, everyone. I'll definitely get SFAC and a cheap joystick to start out. Shoryuken.com will be indispensable for custom joysticks later on after I have some experience. Building one myself never even entered my mind, but I really like the idea. It would be perfect to build one for my computer.

    Everyone I know says building is the way to go if you want a stick that works for you. However if you're gonna buy one, get a Hori stick. Before I got the afore mentioned Street Fighter Anniversary Arcade Stick of Indiscriminate Justice I used the Tekken 5 Collectors Edition stick, which was designed by Hori (who also apparantly designed the Soul Caliber II stick among other things). As much as I hate the ball-stick design and crooked buttons, the sticks themselves are durable, responsive and of great quality. Moreso the buttons tend to be easy to press and snap back the moment you let go, making it easy to tap the everloving shit out of it. They're also the first and so far only company to release an arcade stick for the PS3 (irrelevant, but incase you run across $560 and decide to get a PS3/VF5 it's good to know).

    I got Guilty Gear and played it like every other PS2 fighting game. Wish I hadn't. Now that I'm trying to go professional, I need to unlearn everything I did with the PS2 controller 'cause it screws with my arcade pad usage.

    Playing fighting games with controllers is heresy. Heresy.

    Edit: I realize I'm suggesting mostly PS2 sticks even though you see more likely to pick up the Xbox version, but like I said before not too much on the Hugebox fighting game scene. That and the one arcade stick I'll ever use works on both systems anyway.

  7. I can't tell you the difference from experience as I've never played a fighting game on Xbox that didn't start with "Dead or Alive", but from what I understand the Xbox version adds a story mode, reworked animations and online play via Live. I would be cautious of games of that quality that are dirt cheap though, but that's just me. Not a very trusting shopper.

    Now touching on the topic of arcade sticks. I have and would suggest this one. Works on both PS2 and Xbox, and is old school heaven. Unfortunately those are long since out of print and you'll have a fun time trying to locate one that actually works (wouldn't suggest ebay). I cannot off the top of my mind think of an arcade stick for the Hugebox that I would recommend so I'll get back to you on that one.

  8. You get what you pay for. The more accessible a MMORPG is, the more you'll rip your hair off over the idiotic community.

    Personally, I blame the lack of moderation on a lot of those low grade free games. So many people run around doing whatever they feel like, I imagine it's a pain in the ass to keep up with it all.

    Not really a MMO, but it has some similar properties, would be Monster Hunter for the PS2. It's a dumbed down version of a MMO that focuses more on live action rather than a turn based system. It can be a lot of fun. I wish that capcom would come out with a sequal in the US (and not on the PSP :) ).

    Uh, by that description almost every game with an online feature resembles a MMO. I can't really think of a MMO that runs on a "turn based" system. Final Fantasy Tactics was turn based. WoW/EQ2/EVE/anything like it isn't. For all that I love Monster Hunter and insist people play it with me, I wouldn't call a mission based game with no sort of complete world that all players exist in similar to a MMO. Guild Wars would be closer than Monster Hunter, and even that isn't quite a MMO (or free for that matter outside the lack of monthly fees). Also, don't hold your breath for MH2. It was supposed to be here like December.

    I'll have to go with AO as the free MMO to play. A bit of a learning curve on it, but if you can get past that it becomes suprisingly involved.

  9. If you have an open mind I'd highly suggest One Piece. Not the absolutely shitty "translation" (LOL4KIDS), find it subbed or find the manga. It's probably the most...well creative anime's I've ever seen and if you can get past Oda's exaggerations and PCP-induced ideas the series itself is very much epic. It's probably not as serious as a lot of what's been previously mentioned, but you say "serious/epic" and "Haruhi" in the same sentence and I giggle slightly.

    Don't expect to finish it anytime soon though. I think they're up to episode 302 and approaching the halfway point of the series.

  10. The original Savage is free to promote the sequel apparantly. It's an interesting concept.


    Speaking of free retail games, I was more than suprised to find out recently that the multiplayer version of F.E.A.R. was free. Maybe I'm just slow.


    Penumbra is a somewhat Silent Hill-ish game I had found by total accident one day. Only played around with it for about 5 minutes, but it seemed fun enough and has an unusually well done physics engine about it for a free game.


    Free FPS with single/multiplayer with an open source engine and level editor. That should be enough right?


    Personally I think these guys take themselves a bit too seriously, but I heard the games were fun and free so it's probably worth a look or two.


    Lots of fun games on this page, but The Cleaner is the one you're looking for. You shoot shit and it falls over. I might check out that ninja looking game too.


    Finally, a free version of one of my favorite point and click adventures of all time. Play though Maniac Mansion and you'll appreicate my avatar that much more.


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