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Mr. Bottle Rocket

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Posts posted by Mr. Bottle Rocket

  1. Pretty much this. Witch Doctor play style while leveling I found is a matter of patience and using your sustain damage to whittle guys down. The class starts out remarkably slow in my opinion, but once it gets rolling with its abilities and runes its power really comes to bear.

    Zombie bears that is, DOHOHOHOHOHO.:tomatoface:

  2. The auction houses in EU are now defunct, praise be!

    I am now in a clan comprised entirely of my countrymen and have over 900 million gold.

    I still have only gotten one piece of the new IK set however, boooooo.

  3. currently trying to replenish my gold stores for RoS, got 340 mil so far, I'd like at least 500 though.

    Edit: 500 mil reached but I still got 10 auctions going on, hopefully I'll be able to sell all of it by the 18th.

    If there's any ocremix people in the EU servers I might give ya'll a cheapo price for some of it too.

  4. Man, the leveling up scene in EU is a ghost town, no one has any open games for new characters, dis sux. :(

    In other news self found is now actually viable and it's such a good feeling getting an upgrade like every couple of minutes.

  5. what is the exact diet? Is the food no good or are you just bored? You said it was nutritionist approved, which seems fine, but what is it exactly?

    espelta bread toast in the morning, a yoghurt with some mashed up seeds in it next, white meat or fish for lunch, a fresh cheese for afternoon snack, soup for dinner and to wash it all down eggplant and lemon juice. I'm just sick of eating the same things for most days, I like food and thus I like eating different things each day...this diet being my first ever is rough on me. I just hope it works.

  6. Needless to say, after these recent news I'm almost positive I'll get the expansion. I'm not going to pre-order or get it right out of the gate though, because I want to see people's reaction to the new loot system, which looks good on paper, but after vanilla d3 I'll play it on the safe side from now on, so I'll probably get it a few months after release but these news changed everything for me, I was 100% sure I wasn't going to get this or any other d3 expansion but now I'm actually pretty excited for this one.

    the new loot system is coming before the expansion, supposedly right after blizzcon finishes.

    here's a post that pretty much says that: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/9679139107#19

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