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Posts posted by vindkast

  1. it was a really raw version of something that could have become much better with refinement

    I agree that this song is raw and lacks direction, but I don't agree that refinement necessarily makes something better. I think the song's fun and has a lot of character, and I think those qualities come (at least in part) from the disjointed variety of instruments coming and going, and the feeling that the song's just wandering instead of building to a climax. Further refinement might have given it a more traditional feel, but I think that would have smothered the whimsical quality that makes it what it is.

    (iTunes says I've listened to this song more times than any other remix-- glad it's on OCR now)

  2. As chicken said, http://www.last.fm/user/flik/ logs the music the person registered as flik listens to (in a player with the last.fm plugin), and http://www.last.fm/music/flik/ logs music all last.fm people listen to with the flik as the artist in the ID3 tags.

    So if my last.fm user profile looked like this,


    It will probably have auto-generated an artist page for "Chris Serani (Flik)." Yep-- http://www.last.fm/music/Chris+Serani+%28Flik%29

  3. 4 years on and off at Blockbuster, both slaving and managing. The free rentals were nice (5 per week) but the pay was horrible (I worked a full year at $5.75)

    I got into it because I like movies, but it turns out the job is 90% arguing with customers over a $3 charge. The worst part is, the same people whine over and over, and you remember them but they don't remember you. You want to say "you used that excuse last wednesday!" but you can't.

    I don't recommend it.

    Everybody says Costco and In and Out pay really well, if you have those in your area.

  4. 1400-- but 900 that I might listen to (3+star), and 300 that I usually listen to (4+star).

    That's really a more interesting question imo-- how many do you regularly listen to? Or do you just put it on all 3000 and press play?

    (The 500 I won't listen to are mostly "bad" songs like OLR/BEER/EAR/FEAR, or WIPs, or source tunes, etc. They're on my ipod because I still have room (20g free out of 30g), so I don't bother with deleting them.)

  5. Good luck on this! I'd love to have a nonstop mix of OC remixes

    I agree with what some people have said though-- if you find any you really like, you should contact that remixer and see if they can set up the intro and outro.

    Here's the two songs I think of when I think intro. Both are probably meatier than what you're looking for:

    Donkey Kong Country 'Chekan Winter'

    Tales of Phantasia 'Emotions Lostin Time'

  6. I was hoping you'd be wearing white gloves so I could follow up on the "giving a rectal" joke. But that's okay, the last two posts satisfied the part of my brain that's still 8 years old.

    Congrats, the pics look great! It's great that everybody went out to dinner with your family, but I can't stop laughing imagining the "mom, dad, can I bring 4 guys I met on the internet to dinner?" conversation :)

  7. I got a negative feeling from it, like the second interpretation you mentioned. If you wanted to avoid confusion, I would recommend finding a way to put the positive part (about saving the world) first. People will always interpret things differently, but you can shape their perception not just through the information you give, but through the order in which you give it as well.

    On the other hand, the ambiguity makes lyric much, much more interesting imo. It hints at a deeper meaning-- if that meaning (the potential futility of the hero's actions) isn't totally against what you want to express, you might consider leaving it in or even trying to expand on it.

  8. 3270.gif



    Their most piratey songs are (songs are links to amazon.com wma clips):

    Flogging Molly - Seven Deadly Sins

    Flogging Molly - Salty Dog

    Flogging Molly - Cruel Mistress

    Flogging Molly - Queen Anne's Revenge

    Though those are easily my least favorite of their songs. Most of their other songs are arguably a piratey even if they aren't about pirates, like these:

    Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies

    Flogging Molly - What's Left of the Flag

  9. The "quality" of the music has certainly been on the rise, but I feel like that often results in a decline in other areas. Many of the old songs weren't as impressive in terms of production or arrangement, so they had to make up for it with sheer heart. And it's not that the current bunch lacks heart-- it's just that there's something charming about any art where the effort exceeds the quality. Now that the quality has caught up, I find myself describing more songs as "impressive" and "well done" than I do "catchy" or "fun."

  10. Constricted by 3D vision?

    Random impromptu topic I hadn't really thought of before, but still I guess I should rephrase: the constricting factor is trying to represent near 180 degree human field of vision on a 4x3 or even 16x9 TV. As the 3d aspect continually improves, the confining nature of the medium becomes more apparent (and obnoxious) to me. They're constantly making graphics more realistic, more fluid, and prettier, but I feel like they've reached a limit on how "absorbing" they can be.

    Of course the games as a whole, like movies, can be infinitely absorbing-- but there's still that detachment since, like movies, you're limited to a pre-defined (though moveable) perspective. I think they could stir up a lot of interest outside the typical gamer fanbase by working on making the experience as a whole more absorbing, and one way to do that might be to revolutionize how we interact with the games not just physically, but visually as well.

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