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Posts posted by Imagist

  1. Also everybody, notice that EVERYONE on OCR has posted here? It seems that Mega Man is UNIVERSALLY liked. It's almost blasphemy not to like Mega Man from the looks of it.

    Wow, I hadn't noticed this thread racking up 22114 posts... one for every registered member... oh, and then some, because many people have posted more than once! Man, what a massive thread!


    (guys am I as cool as darkesword yet)

  2. Oh man. I demolished Galaxy Man and Splash Woman, and now I've been dying repeatedly on every other stage (not even getting to the bosses to figure out who's weak to what I've got).

    But oh man is it so much fun.

  3. I'm not trying to defend the show or anything (I find myself unable to quit watching it at this point almost because of how utterly mediocre it is in every way, once the initial 'OMFG COOL' factor of season one wore off), but you're making a couple very baseless assumptions. One, that the Speedster showing up right on time to steal the formula is some kind of coincidence (what is her motivation for stealing the formula, who is she working for, what kind of intelligence might her employer have?), and two, that Tracy isn't really Niki (she's had entirely split personalities before, so why not now?). Also, I find Parkman's storyline one of the most interesting at the moment, simply because it's relatively difficult to predict how it will pan out.

  4. Truthfully... it hasn't grabbed me yet. I'm only on Day 2, but so far the plot seems artificial and I haven't gotten used to the battle system yet--even on the bottom screen. Maybe after I give it some more time...

    The plot is a little artificial, and it'll be a while before Neku is a sympathetic character... like at all... but there are delicate intricacies behind it all, most of which begin bubbling in the second week and rise to the surface in the third. There are even many details you won't truly grasp until after you've "beaten" the game and work through the endgame, so if you're still on day 2 definitely don't give up yet.

    Re: the battle system. I played through the whole game without ever using the top screen, except when it was required. Only after beating everything did I bother trying to coordinate both screens at once. The bottom screen is easiest if you take some time to experiment with many different pin types and find the ones that work for you, then try to stick with similar ones. It probably took me most of the first week to really get used to it, because it is pretty different, but again, stick with it.

  5. I think I'm a terrible excuse for a ComSci student, because a lot of my functions for the last few levels included routines that were redundant or useless for all but one of their uses (the robot walking into walls, or jumping in place on flat ground, or "lightning" non-blue spaces). I mean, they might as well have given me the option to design a switch statement and use that.

  6. The special edition drums [iares released, but they're shipping all the preorders right now. They'll start showing up in Gamestops and such eventually. But I think you can buy the RB2 standard instruments already.

    By "Special Edition," I meant the bundle pack with all the instruments. I.e., how the original Rock Band was released to begin with. That isn't getting released until the PS3 version is, which means if you want all the updated instruments now you'll have to spend an extra $50 total.

    Also, re: the updated drum set, pictures show a metal-reinforced kick pedal. So it should be less flimsy, at least moderately so.

  7. Sorry about the double posting, but all these Youtube links are screwing up the rest of my post.

    This is the official theme song, which consists of a duet between Jack White and Alicia Keys (a big WTF at first, but it's actually pretty cool).


    And finally, an added bonus: a joke theme song created around the time details about the real theme song were released. It's bloody hilarious:


  8. sure they are. I saw them at best buy. the SPECIAL EDITION isn't out yet.

    Man, is Harmonix smoking rock? Why the hell can't they release the special edition on time if they've got the individual instruments for sale, too?

  9. You're definitely not alone, ubernym. I try not to reuse old ideas for the competitions, either, although my process is a little different; I don't actually write nearly as often as I should, so I always have a mass of disorganized and unrefined ideas in my head. When I set out to do something for one of these competitions, I try to take the most recent and relevant (to me) of those ideas and work with that, either fleshing it out or doing some associative brainstorming, until I have something worth writing.

    Of course, there are always the (vast majority of) times when I get lazy and simply submit something I've been working on during the time frame of the contest, but for other purposes. :tomatoface:

  10. You've asked this before, just64helpin, and this was my response then... it hasn't changed.

    As long as they're your original creations, if you can introduce characters and work a story with them in the contest limit (2500 words), feel free to submit it. Just don't rely on the comic book to explain the story or anything like that.

    EDIT: My reasoning for this, in case anyone is going to ask, is that the regulations of the contest stipulate that "you should write something new within the time frame of the submission stage" (emphasis added). This has no bearing on whether or not your ideas are fresh during that time frame. That would, after all, be a ridiculous rule, since it's fairly difficult to a) come up with any completely original idea, no matter how long you're given, and B) do so on command within just a few short weeks (and then write a polished story with the idea). So, since it's quite a challenge to convert a full-fledged comic book (the idea) into a independent short story (writing the idea), given the time and word constraints we have here, I would allow it.

  11. I've actually considered submitting flash fiction (the sub-100 or 200 kind, as I tend to write short stories of the sub-1000 kind on a fairly regular basis) before, myself, but I could never think of a concept that worked well enough in such a short space. The closest I've come was my entry for last September's short story contest:


    “What do you mean you don’t know what the problem is?”

    “I’m sorry, sir. Everything looks fine from our end.”

    “Well”—it’s nipping cold out here and you’re not helping because I don’t get reception in that hole of a room and that’s why I’m trying to set up this backward primeval landline in the first place seeing as how you claim to offer free service with this all-exclusive package deal I’m paying way too much for—“what could be the problem?”

    “It could be any number of things, really. Frozen or shorted wires are out because you claim to have received telemarketing calls. The simplest explanation would be if your phone wasn’t compatible, sir.”

    Not compatible. “Thanks anyway.” I’ll show you just how compatible my foot is with your—

    Peter clapped the phone shut and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his sweatshirt. The exhale came long and drawn, a stream of pale smoke as if from some ancient car on the last mile of its life. It was only then he realized how rooted his legs felt on the snow-coated concrete. He was mildly surprised to find no jagged and menacing formation of inch-thick ice had developed during his half-hour on hold.

    The previous week had recalled one night several months prior. A fire drill, rotating through every dorm, was announced to occur “shortly after 7:45 P.M.” An hour of dawdling, no one daring to be absent from an opportunity for candy points, and finally the alarms—weak and dreadful things that couldn’t portend to wake even the lightest sleepers when hidden behind their soundly muting room doors. A fire drill, of all things!

    It was out and back in; everyone fell prey. Maybe the heat of a real blaze would have helped them, but no. Not yet winter and still a cold front no weatherman had predicted stalked its way in. The whole process became truly counterintuitive, with the boys who meant to evacuate returning to grab coats, jackets, blankets. The last one of them slipped out fifteen minutes later.

    Now winter was three months gone, the unseasonal weather was just as bleak and Peter was wearing the very same sweatshirt, which he paid $20 for at some long-forgotten concert. At the time, sure, it was the singular experience of his life, but before a month he moved on. The garb was only the only remnant.

    Remnants. That was essentially all he had: experience and moving on. Claiming the club frisbee championship and moving on. Dark horse victory as valedictorian and moving on. Only now, where had he moved?

    Expansive winters catching the witless unawares. Frozen wires and fire drills. He turned and ambled back inside.

    Anyway, as they've kindly pointed out, there is no minimum requirement except that whatever you submit still qualifies as a "short story." And given that's a loose definition, you should find plenty of freedom to submit most whatever you might have in mind.

  12. Who cares about the isolation factor of Metroid Prime 2? I thought a lot of the fun in Metroid Prime 3 came from how you got to interact with the Galactic Federation and your hunter buddies, and it was a nice change of pace.

    The "isolation factor" is what makes Metroid Metroid. "A nice change of pace" made it, while still a good game, an entirely different game than Metroid ever was. Granted, this trend started as far back as when the series returned, with Metroid Fusion, so the fact that both Hunters and Prime 3 continued that development could have been expected, but part of why Prime 2 (and especially Prime) worked is that it adhered to the traditional, isolated atmosphere of the series.

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