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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I was using the internets for fun and lulz before I turned 10.

    I see no problem with 12-year-old children, provided that they are more mature than most frat boys.

    That said, I don't play many real-time games online (hell, I've been out of the video gaming loop for over half a decade now), and when I do it's lo-fi stuff like Settlers or Chess.

  2. ...he has noticed that Final Fantasy is becoming niche and lacks mainstream appeal...
    Look at the history of the series, most notably at it's halfway/breaking point...the engines remained basically the same on every platform until 4th generation (PS2) when they wanted to screw with the formula. Now, I enjoyed 10 and 12 at least as much as I enjoyed 7 and 9, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. But you're right...

    ...the series has become niche because it's not a constant anymore. Like I said a while back...in the last eight years, there has been one TRUE FF game released, where that would be inconceivable just a decade ago.

  3. Since the holiday 2004 season (Halo 2, MGS3, GTA:SA), I have paid little-to-no attention to the gaming industry, purchasing a grand total of $100 worth of merchandise (FFXII, NHL2k7, and a $30 gift card to Gamestop for my girlfriend's parents' Wii). Roommates had Guitar Hero, Halo 3, and the Orange Box, but aside from that I've pretty much become a non-gamer.

    So it's 2010...are there any rumblings about next-gen consoles yet? It's about time for it (every 5 years or so)...I literally have been living under the proverbial rock for a while.

  4. i like three stats (hp, atk, mag). this change makes sense to me.

    never found a purpose in having 3-4 defensive statistics after Vagrant Story lumped them all together. FF10 spheres were cool but having luck and accuracy and vegetation and luminescence and all those pointless stats were just pointless. having levels in FF12 seemed stupid after sphere grid - nice to see they axed a lot of crap but then again i'm still waiting for FFTactics II so what do i know blah blah blah.

  5. You can try and convince people to use GGPO if you want, and play your own matches on GGPO - however, I spent some time with it, it wasn't unweildy but it also wasn't simple like I wanted. I couldn't get SFA3 to boot without spending another 30 minutes figuring it out, so I was like "wtf ever." Use MAME, use Final Burn, use whatever you want, I'm not picky. I don't even care if you change the rules I've set out, as long as it's mutually agreed.

    Bleck and Archaon: I decided on that rule because the same characters over and over again is boring. This adds some strategy and lets lower-strength players have at least a shot at victory. You will have to use at least two characters in a single match, but using your best for fights 1 and 2 puts you at a 2-0 advantage - almost insurmountable if you're good enough.

    If that's really gonna keep you out of playing, no more skin off my teeth. Worst thing that could happen is that nobody plays because you decided you didn't want to follow a single rule, and I change my mind about giving OCR another chance.

    And if you think AIM is terrible, go get version 4.8. Against every other messenger, it's the most popular, simplest, and doesn't leech your computer if you have an old one like me.

    Sorry Hemo - scan the short thread!
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