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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. There are vast repositories of Street Fighter information online. Shoryuken.com and Sirlin.net should give you at least a starting point, but a lot of that literature is for more complex play...it sounds like you need to know the rules and they'd be teaching you how to defend against a Sicilian (failure analogy, I know).

    Anyways, PSP is shit. Trying to play Street Fighter on a controller is hard enough, but on a handheld? That's pretty brutal. I just get by playing emulated because the keyboard is able to replicate the general feel of an arcade board (but not the stick), so I think your big problem is the unintuitive control scheme, and not necessarily that you automatically suck at the game.

    EDIT: Forgot about the roll...I can air recover but not roll...Alpha 3 is freaking awesome...

  2. picrt2.png

    Don't forget that this phase ends on Thursday, Eastern time.

    There are certainly opportunities for a lot of you to get games in, even if your division is stagnant. Currently, the rock division has two of the wild-cards, but every other division is completely up for grabs if you just play some games.

    In hindsight, this was a good idea that's plagued again by the issue of dead groupings. Paper has yet to record a single in-division game, which is where rock's strength lies. Ultimately, my idea to cut down on the number of individual games worked, there aren't any skyrocketing scores (little by little, which is far more manageable), but next time around we'll do something a little bit differently.

    I've concocted a visual table which allows me to assign colors for single-game round robins in a predetermined fashion. In short, we've got randomization...sort of. There will be no divisions next time around, and fewer games. I wanted one-game round robins because I want everyone to focus on single-game strategies, because that's what real tournament chess is about - one game at a time. This time around I played one game at a time, coming back to a previous match later on...I want to foster that sort of competitiveness between everyone.

    This would also allow for more people to play the maximum necessary games. In essence, back to June 2006!

  3. I still have doubts about EA in it's track record of worker exploitation and monopolizing the NFL video game market, but this combined with their support of game reviewers in Gerstmanngate is making them come out smelling like roses. I guess it's to be expected - the largest of the game companies defending their industry - but factual representation is something that most gamers hold dear, as should most people, and there are so many companies nowadays that are infringing on it. Nice to see EA holding ground for all of us.

    EDIT: The Sessler bit is great, although a little fast. "I have a TV show" is a great line (I have a radio show, but about 5 people listen to it).

    Fox News continually fucks things up. As a communist-leaning registered Independent (the Marxist-socialists, not the soviet pinko-commies - basically I'm the centerfielder that's straddling the left field foul line), I see Fox News as the degeneration of all moderate civil society. Murdoch's right-wing conspiratory viewpoints are fully emblazoned on everything that network shows, and left-leaning or democratic representatives are consistently given unequal time, or are bumbling idiots in their own regard. Therefore, this doesn't suprise me at all, as the network that decides for you as they "report" is, just as it has been for a decade, more of a tabloid mess than a legitmate waste of cable.

  4. If someone can come up with a good system for randomizing color in a one-game round-robin, please let me know. I've been considering it and will probably figure out a way tonight, but keep in mind the following:

    1) It must be clear who plays whom as what color.

    2) One game vs. each.

    3) Must allow for incoming players.

    4) Largest variation between white & black games is one.

    I'm thinking it may have to keep the drawing system of three groups like we have now, but there would need to be a way to determine the games inside the groups. And the groups wouldn't be listed :P

  5. ps

    i call biased time structure in favor of nubs like nubs.

    in otherwords

    IF U CAN'T PLAY A 5/0 game without sucking gtfo.


    5/0 would be biased towards just a couple of players, which is in effect MORE biased.

    You can win with longer time controls, I've seen you do it.

    You just need to play more games.

    Ooooh snap.

  6. I really enjoy gaming right now. I just beat killer7 (it may be a few years old, but it's new to me!) which was awesome, and am looking forward to NMH. I am even thinking of getting a PS3 soon (there is a few good exclusives on it right now, and the future for it looks promising). Oddly though, I am not really exited for SSBB. I dunno, I know I am going to buy it and most likely enjoy it. However, I just don't seem to be freaking out like the rest of the internet.:???:

    This thread has worried me about my future in gaming, though. I wan't to play and enjoy video games forever, but will that really happen? I wonder if I will ever lose interest. I sure hope the day never comes when that happens.

    Killer 7 is old in this thread - when I started it I considered 2004 to be my breaking point.

    And honestly, I don't mind. I'm not pumping hundreds of dollars a year into this hobby that ultimately will just be entertainment. For some reason I consider everything to be a capital opportunity (sans Cave Story), and I'm not really bothered by it (okay not everything). Of course, I've found hockey :P

  7. I think it's an interesting page in gaming and internet history, but as it's pretty much over and done with now, it's time to slip it into the big binder of angry nerd obsessions and put it back on the shelf for good.

    In related news, Jeff is going to start a new site with some other reviewers.

    And as a final note, I was thinking this when I read the article. What if Jeff knew how this would play out? He knew all the people at Gamespot and what they would do if he quit. He could just quietly plant the seeds of the story anywhere he wanted, and they would spread like weeds. It wasn't even a a day afterwards when half of the internet knew about this, and only a few more when mainstream media started picking up on it.

    And all the while, Jeff just sat back and watched the whole thing happen. Whether he wasn't allowed to speak or he just didn't feel the need to speak at all, his activity in the whole event was pretty much nil. Could he have anticipated things to well that he didn't need to do anything at all?

    Think about it:

    1. He knows the people at Gamespot. He's been working with them for years, and he knows what kind of reaction he will get from a review. He might also know what kind of plan they have, should bad publicity start drawing attention to their marketing practices. They will shut up, and deny everything. And flat, general, repeated denials ill only make you look guilty as hell.

    2. He thinks to himself, that he's got two possible outcomes: one, he makes a big name for himself, and he's as good as gold to the next employer. Just imagine the traffic you'd get for having THE Jeff Gertsmann on your staff! Such integrity! You can trust every review he writes! Hell, you can trust everything on this site! We have THE Jeff Gertsmann!

    Or two, he fucks it up, people lose respect for him, and after a while, he gets hired by someone else anyway. It's internet game review, not the NY Times. Maybe he gets a little bit of fame for the whole thing and that works to his advantage. Either way, he's got work afterwards.

    3. He knows how people on the internet work. He knows what they will do when the very notion of him being fired for a negitive review hits the wind and we all get a whiff of it. Like blood in the water, we're instantly fixed on it and nothing short of an even bigger outrage will draw us away.

    4.Knowing all this, he sees a game that he (rightly or otherwise) thinks isn't that good, and that the publishers have spent some serious money promoting on his site. It's a perfect opportunity. It's been hyped, there's traceable money flowing around, no one would take Gamespot's word over his... come on! Money-hungry site filled with ads versus a lone bastion of journalistic integrity? Who do you think the public is going to side with?

    I have to wonder, did Gertsmann plan this? Even a little bit? Maybe he had it all thought out from the beginning. Maybe he only thought about it after the review, which was legitimate. Maybe he didn't plan anything at all, and this is all a happy little coincidence. How can we be sure?

    But it's an interesting idea, don't you think?

    First of all, he didn't quit. So you contradicted yourself and mooted most of your points...

    I don't think there's a second-of-all!

    EDIT: Besides, I'd assume that if sales is rubbing up the collective dangles of every jack & jane videogame corporation from here to bumscrew, saskatchewan, they'd have QC'ed his editorial pretty blatantly BEFORE it got out. The biggest issue here is that post-review, after the masses had seen it (although I had no fucking clue who this Jeff Gerstmann character was before he was unceremoniously snuffed out - in the professional sense - so I don't even know if "masses" is the right term, and any dumbwit with half a brain cell might be avoiding a title such as "Whatever & Kane" or anything that has the letters E, I, D, O, and S, in that order), he was unceremoniously snuffed out - in the professional sense. And it created a havoc-level CBC-documentary-class shitstorm!

    EDIT2: And in regards to the non-action/petty response by cNet...they should already know the deep shit they're in, and yet nary a retraction, apology, or admission of complete and udder balderdashidiocy. Which is exactly the definition of balderdashidiocy, perpetuating the velodrome of feces the company pretends to be cycling in.

  8. I think, ultimately, I really enjoy something that's totally revolutionary, but still retains some original, natural flow.

    Portal was good at this.

    Wii is actually good at this because everyone knows how to swing a tennis racket poorly.

    There's some tough ones too...FFX had some interesting new quirks with the non-level-up system, MGS3 with it's cold war theme, and I'm sure there's plenty more but those are the ones out of my collection.

    I have a tough time with GTA - I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and the load time is horrific...

    I'ma go play Cave Story now though...

  9. Kinda just to start a thread here, but also to make a bit of a point for myself.

    Up until college, I basically either obsessed about video games or at the very least set aside some money every few months for something I wanted to buy. First couple years of college, I devoted more time to breasts and whatnot. The holiday season of 2004 was chock-full of great titles (Halo 2, MGS3, GTA:SA, and a personal favorite, NHL2k5). I got all three of these games at that time and played through them.

    Then I stopped buying. For the last 3 years I've probably spent $85 on videogames - the odd Madden or whatever rental, plus FFXII and NHL2k7. I had roommates that had Halo 3 and Portal (great titles), but near the end of my stay with them I was playing more FFXII and MGS3 than anything else.

    I still play games, sure. All the time. You see the tournaments I run, the odd tetris or mario kart and I also play NHL94 in a league...but nothing new. I always go back to the older games now, and I feel like I might be showing my age (even though, compared to many of you, I'm a young 22). Have I just grown out of the relatively expensive video-game hobby and now obsess over the relatively-cheap chess, go, connect6, or the they-pay-me-to-watch hockey?

    I'm interested by the new Final Fantasies, the new Metal Gear Solid, etc etc...but never really excited. Nothing is catching my eye anymore (not enough to plop down any significant cash on, at least), and I feel like if I could find and scrounge the cash for a Wii I'd just end up buying old games and playing Bowman 2 with the wiimote.

    Are they just not fun anymore? Or is just not worth my cash investment?

  10. It just sounds like a tragic case where he might've dipped his hand into the bottle and grabbed out 1 or 2 extra tablets by mistake.
    I've heard too many stories and lost too much family to the "accidental OD." I never ingest an extra tablet by mistake.

    I'm not sure if other people actively count their pills, but the only accident I can imagine would be if he didn't know the reactions between drugs would kill him, or he got drunk/impaired enough to not tell the difference between 2 pills and 4 pills.

    Even though he definitely went Hollywood early, he was probably the most un-Americanized Aussie actor out there, and that's gotta count for something. I never did see Brokeback Mountain, but all his other roles I saw him in kept the accent strong. Anthony LaPaglia, Portia di Rossi, Rachel Griffiths, Nicole Kidman, all A-list Hollywood stars, all mostly Americanized (okay not Rachel Griffiths so much, but you've seen the Rookie, she makes Aussie --> Texas look easy)

  11. How does this show rate, for those that have gone? I'm not one to express my OCRness in real life, especially around cosplay vidiots, but would it be worth the price of admission?

    And furthermore, would it be worth free?

    EDIT: Ahh, it's at GDC. Although I no longer idolize people in the industry, I'm kinda sad they moved the conference away from here.

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