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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I think that sound byte has the interview in there, so check it out.

    Hopefully, you can return your HD-DVD player or trade it in, because even if Toshiba doesn't give up tomorrow, you'll still be hard-pressed to find new content...

    The good thing is that now the early adopters don't have to go it alone in high def DVD hardware - built-in HD TV and Blu-Ray units are coming soon...

  2. Local AM news station KCBS 740 (here in the Bay Area) is reporting from a Toshiba insider that the Format War may be over as soon as tomorrow morning.

    Toshiba is reportedly holding a board meeting on whether or not to abandon the format, which would allow Sony's Blu-Ray to take hold as the industry standard from now on. Obviously, there was a thread about IGN's article earlier, but I felt that this was newsworthy enough to start a new one.


  3. sexy tournament


    overclocked remix chess league 2008

    i speak

    Hey, back with a new tournament. This time things are going to look a little different as we continue with the "less games" approach to the league. We gon' have a fun :)


    To register, make a new post in this thread, including your AOL Instant Messenger screen name.

    Games will be played on iGoogle Game Center.

    POST EVERY RESULT IN THE THREAD, including the LINK to it.

    time for chess

    Here are your deadlines:

    ---Thursday, March 7th, 2008--- Registration Ends

    ---Thursday, March 14th, 2008--- Open Phase Ends

    ---Thursday, March 28th, 2008--- Closed Phase Ends

    ---Sunday, April 1st, 2008--- Final Phase Ends

    things to know

    The tournament will consist of three phases:

    The OPEN PHASE is a single-round-robin with everyone else in the tournament. All colors are ASSIGNED. Check the standings (at the end of the thread) and cross-reference your opponent with your color.

    The CLOSED PHASE is also a single-round-robin, but with fewer people (2(√½(number of first round players)). Colors will be switched from what you had in the first round.

    The FINAL PHASE is a one-game, winner-take-all final, with the higher finisher choosing color.

    Use AIM to set up a game. ***NEW*** Use 30/0 clocks ***NEW***

    iGoogle Game Center is the official OCRCL chess server.

    Scoring is as follows in all tournament rounds:

    win = 1 point

    draw = ½ point

    loss = ¼ point

    glhf 134340

  4. I'm actually enjoying the strike for a couple reasons:

    1) No pressure to watch my favorite shows means I don't have cable ($weet!), and for hockey I already produce the broadcasts so I'm watching them anyways.

    2) As a potential future writer, I want the best bang for my buck when I get a job. That means that I want the new media contract to be chock full of incentives and 2008-2009 to be "the good ol' days for screenwriters" when I'm reminiscing while in my big office chair yuk yuking it up.

    3) According to my final Radio-TV-Film textbook, people find watching television less enjoyable than cleaning, laundry, or doing the dishes. So do some housework, people!

  5. February tournament?
    No, but I'd like to start a new one before the week is out. It'll be three-phased (league, pool, and final), single-round-robin (with assigned colors), so I'm a little torn on the scheduling (I'd like at least 24 days for the first phase, and probably 14 for the second) and number of players to advance (but it'll probably be six).

    And I'll probably call it March.

  6. Fight the power! (Just make sure that no people are in the building - wait, WalMart never closes does it?)
    Yes it does...;)
    And yet, anywhere that there is NO Wal-Mart is where small business dries up. Wal-Mart may be huge competition for small stores, but they do stimulate the economy in areas where they build one.

    Not that I care to shop there, but they're not as detrimental as some make them out to be.

    I was thinking about this a little earlier (after making the QFE post), and it's probably true. They stimulate the economy, yes, but by doing so they impoverish a lot of people along the way while still making large sums of money. WalMart is a leading cause of the class disparity seen since the 1980's (Reagan and Bush are the others), IMO, and while a complete removal of the entity from many Shitville, USAs and Bumfuck, Canadas would probably screw over the towns, it's the fact that they were there in the first place that really bothers me.

    A town that's worth it's salt would find a way to survive without WalMart. Otherwise, to the cities you go.

  7. If I was a thief breaking into someone's car and take their registration book, it would be in the hopes of finding info about where they lived to make a breakin attempt on their house. So, seriously, if there's addresses or any personal info in that book, or if you're not absolutely certain whether there is or not, be careful. Report the loss to the po-lice, and let them know your concerns. Your insurance company or whoever may also need to know, because if you ever get pulled over and don't have your registration, you're in a world of hurt. So basically, sit on the situation and make sure it gets explained to all the proper people.

    That seems stupid.

    Oh lol I'm a criminal I'm going to break into this car!


    Hey look an address!


    Now I can rob this house!


    Time to rob house!


    COP: You're nabbed, robber!


    Uhhh foiled agin...what am I doing wrong?

    I think if someone was going to break into your house they wouldn't telegraph it by stealing your address and then going to it.

    That said, this criminal sounds like the particular class of idiot that would do such a thing, so yes, call the cops.

    It's like a game of chess, where there's a pretty obvious penalty for taking that pawn over there with your queen, but you do it anyways because you're an idiot. Don't uncover the pawn.

  8. I know that as a group we've never really been good about playoffs.

    I won't start the next tournament until this one is either done or mostly done (damathacus is very MIA for a little while so I know we won't be playing that game).

    Don't forget, you CAN play games ahead as if the result of your current match is a victory, but I do not encourage it as a replacement because it forces me to be subjective. That being said, I'll probably do it anyways :P

    estevao vs. Setz

    dPaladin vs. MechaSonic

  9. Alright alright, time to end it (I know I'm a little late).

    There is a significant change in the playoff format, since dP was the only one to answer, and he voted 2 and I vote 1 and my vote is the tiebreaker etc etc etc...Anyways...

    You will play ONE game at 10/15 time controls against your opponent.

    Higher seed chooses color. In case of a draw, switch color and play again.

    First one to record a victory wins the match and advances.


    (3) MechaSonic4ever [1¾ pts] vs. (6) dPaladin [3 pts]

    (4) estêvão [8 pts] vs. (5) Setz [4¾ pts]


    (1) damathacus [10¼ pts] vs. (3/6)

    (2) Keegan The Fox [7 pts] (4/5)


    (1/3/6) vs. (2/4/5)

    *note: I changed around the matchups from a standard format so that damathacus and Keegan would not be playing divisional rivals in the semifinals, and so the top side of the bracket wasn't solely a rock divisional championship...I guess I found out first-hand what crap the NBA and NHL have been going through :P

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