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Everything posted by LeperCorn83

  1. Oh. My. God. Lemme just say, I stumbled onto this site yesterday and was blown away. Someone sent me the Mazedude remix "Oldskool Demon" and I loved it...went to his website and got heaps more of his work, and it led me here... Have D/L'd heaps of the songs from my NES faves, like 150MB, and came to 'M' and the plethora of MM ReMixes. This is my definitive favourite, hell, I registered just to comment on this one song! I was reading the posts on Mega Man 3 BlueBomberForever by Mustin and BlueLightning reminded me of a quote by Gener21839: "Its just one of those songs, that you remember and it just kinda gives you an empty feeling and you kinda remember your past playing it... oh well." I like the Mustin tune, but only get that exact feeling when I play this song and hear that old midi-synth theme sound, I LOVE IT, but it makes me kinda sad at the same time, you know? Wishing I could go back to when I was 12 and spent all day wrapped up in my NES...good times. Heh, now i gotta go wade though Super Mario tunes Major Kudos.
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