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Everything posted by RKane909

  1. Law of Infinite Humorosity The plucky/ultra-skinny female protagonist in any remotely humorous anime will, at least once, sit down to a huge and well deserved meal and procede to stuff her face will all manner of food at an unprecedented pace, amazing/disgusting her companions in the process. And this play on irony will; A) Be in EVERY SINGLE anime with even a hint of comedic element. B)The japanese will, apparently, ALWAYS find this joke funny no matter how many times it has been beaten to death in past decades and will be beaten to death in coming decades.
  2. Though certainly not at Diablo standards, I think TQ is a pretty good game. The vast number of different skills are genuinely powerful and can really give a unique flavor to your character. The game really makes your character seem significantly more powerful at every level. The problem is that all monsters level-up when you do, though different areas of the world map put level-caps on the monsters within them. Graphics in outdoor scenes are beautiful though the tiled dungeons can get boring fast. Luckily, most combat happens outside. The biggest gripes would be the lack of a vault to store items, coupled with the massive tidalwave of items that monsters drop. Another would be the lack of decent quests and it sounds like the same guy does the voice work for 3/4 of all the NPC characters. All-in-all though, the grass is nice n' wavy the water looks very moist, the monsters die real good and I always say, "Hell yeah!" when I level. Thumbs up!
  3. Jeremy Soule is one of the best VG composers out there. I own nearly every soundtrack by him that is available, even though I've played only a fraction of the games. I'm hoping that his score for Supreme Commander will be available at his online store(http://www.directsong.com) soon. Or possibly in a standard music format on the game disc. I can only hope that it's as good as Total Annihilation.
  4. Amazing news. This is the best thing that could possibly happen for "A Song of Ice & Fire". I will subscribe to HBO just for this. Normally I just rent the shows on DVD. Let's just hope HBO viewers are open to fantasy and will actually watch it. I can imagine people scoffing at it, thinking that anything fantasy or science fiction is below HBO's standards. It would be a shame to see the show cancelled after one or two seasons. One thing that worries me is that GRRM is not finished with the series. Will he write his final two books with the show in the back of his mind? Will he compromise the story to make it easier to film later on or more appropriate for a television audience? I believe he has the integrity to avoid that but it is possible. Martin is very nearly done with book 5 and it will be out before the HBO series starts. The show is going to be 1 book per season, so Martin will have at least 5 years to complete the last 2 books in the cycle.
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