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Everything posted by Excrono

  1. I found this to be a nice little mix. While it is on the repeatitive side, it has been perfectly arranged, and the insturmentation is pleasing to the ear. I especally liked the piano that comes in at 1:37, and again at 2:21, which add a little variation to the insturmentation of the first interation of this track.
  2. You know, this is really good. I was skeptical during the very first part of the song, as I thought it would be an intense, pure metal mix of "Dragons Prayer". However, as the mix goes along, it develops inot kind of a "Castlevania-esqe" dark rock track. While this is on the oppoiste spectrum of the origional in terms of instrumentation and tempo, I like what has been done here, to put it quite simply, it works.
  3. Wow, this is good stuff. I can't help but be impressed by Protricity's use of in-game sound effects to really capture the mood of the origional. I especally liked how he incorporated the sound of the ghost-ropes that would fade in and out thought many forest levels (in the same vein as his "Mechanical Swamp" remix). As a fan of this series (and its music), I think any remix would not be complete without it. The synth calrinet was an interesting choice, as I have always envisioned a saxaphone replacing the synth line of the origional; but Proticity has made it work wonderfuly. Overall, this is a great track, which can easliy stand with the rest of his superior DK2 remixes. However I was dissapointed that he did not choose to include the great little synth solo that occured at the end of the origional.
  4. Wow, this is good, although its far from perfect. I really liked the first few lines of the Sitar (I think thats what it is), as it posseses a rich airyness that is required (I think) for any faithful remix of this track. My only complaint is the synth saxaphone. After the richness of the Sitar, this was a bit abrasive to my ears. If the quality of the saxapone sample coule be increased, I think it would drasticaly increase the enjoyablity of this remix, and set it apart from the countless other "Time Circuts" remixes.
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