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Everything posted by TFLthuG

  1. dont mind my terrible track i dont even know how it got accepted lol this was like one of the first pieces i ever did on a computer oh and to clarify something, i've NEVER ripped a midi off. ever. just so you know.
  2. i have question regarding fruityloops, i made a big boo boo by accidently saving over a very long process of work in FL's it was an FLP file, i tried recovering it from easy data recovery but thats no help. Is there any other possible solution or am i screwed? i hate to put all those hours back in. :\
  3. u mean 5/4 timing? theres no such thing as 4/5 timing it.
  4. thanks guys, if your intrested in whats comming next check out my half complete destiny of an emperor remix, orchestra arrangement in the work in progess section of the forum
  5. wow i cant believe i missed this remix, Rygar was my favorite, had all the cool tunes, this was the best one though, and although i hate jazz with a passion, i couldnt believe my ears when i heard it, it just hit me real quick, NES+JAZZ wow thats all i can say wow good work mazedude
  6. i thought it was very intresting as well doing that from a 4/4 tune very good how it starts and everything, the only thing i really didnt like is where the guitar kinda goes in its own world kinda too many notes, but still this remix roxs keep it up...
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