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Posts posted by entropicdecay

  1. I unashamedly know (and sing along to) all of the Sonic vocal songs. ESPECIALLY Knuckles' raps. PUNKIN' IN DA ALLEY!

    Deadly Towers for the NES has some pretty horrible tunes but the ones that were good had a very Celtic flavor to them. Now if the game wouldn't stop the track and start it up again when you walked into a new room we probably could have enjoyed them a little more.

  2. Booster was my favorite new character in Super Mario RPG.

    "Drink punch...? Eat cake...? Sounds... complicated."

    Echoing the Negative Man/New Age Retro Hippie/Earthbound enemy love.

    Some of the stuff the guards used to say in Perfect Dark was pretty great. Like "bloody stupid gun!" when it would jam or "You BITCH!" when they'd die.

  3. The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse

    My Dad rented this for me a kid. I was never that much into Disney but I liked some of the movies. I was a little hurt when he got me that game because I thought he was treating me too much like a child (you know, me being nine years old and all trying to act a bit more grown up at the time). I initially refused to play it. Then I got bored. Really, really bored.

    The title screen and intro music didn't do much for me, but the music was pretty good there. Then the story started and I felt like I was right on the money: this game was for kids. PLUTO HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED, OH NOES! But when the first stage started...

    It hit me: I totally glossed over the fact that I saw a big "Capcom" intro logo. This was a playformer, and a damn solid one at that. With costume changes that had different abilities, kinda like Mega Man, some great music and really good level/character designs, this game was ridiculously fun, whimsical, and challenging. I enjoyed it so much that I ended up buying it when I saw it used at Blockbuster when I was 13. I spent a huge chunky of money on it: $26 (I was really bad with money management). $26 for a used SNES game in 1998?! I WAS MAD. So good, though. Highly recommended.

    Did you ever get around to beating it after we left?

  4. Oh, and passing Poo's test for the first time.

    Yes! It certainly was counter intuitive to tell a boss to please go ahead and rip my arms off and feed them to crows... and blind me... and then possess my mind.

    Giving my mind over so freely really stuck with me after that. I didn't want to answer no but deep in my heart, I knew that's what I would say if I was in that situation.

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