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Posts posted by Monobrow

  1. I've been playing SH2 reccently for someone, and I realized something durning the sequence where the Hospital changes. I'm not sure but it kinda looks like it's a first person view of James being dragged out into the courtyard.

    I got the impression that he was looking through the eyes of Mary as she was being rolled on a gurney through the hospital (both because the view is that of a ceiling rolling rapidly by, and also her voice calling his name) that served as a sort of mind trance intermission of sorts for him to be transported to the Other hospital.

    I'm pretty sure that this is also a sort of nod to the movie, "Jacob's Ladder", (don't want to spoil the movie for you, so that is all I will say). The Silent Hill team seems to really use a lot of material from this movie in their games.

    I always thought of SH as a sort of tribute series to the horror genre, compiling some of the best horror concepts ever created into one series. And the product is breathtaking, to say the least. But now SH has evolved into its own new special horror concept, revitalizing the horror genre in its own unique way.

    Hopefully the movie will continue this.

  2. I've been waiting a long time for a DW4 mix, a very long time. I really think this game has some of the best 8-bit video game music I've heard. And to have it translated here, makes me very happy.

    Although I could be harsh...I do give kudos to the rawness of this song...and I'd like to add that I once (a long time ago) attempted to make a meager mix of this song...and failed miserably...So I appreciate what has been done.

    I've always thought this is one of the saddest songs in video game history...and when I was downloading this, I was afraid that the original tune would be carrying this mix...But I can feel very powerul emotions and feelings coming from elsewhere, and that is good enough for me.

  3. I just received a perfectly pristine, original release copy of Silent Hill 2 in the mail today for PS2.

    Got me some winter vacation entertainment.

    EDIT- Mine is the 666th post in this thread. DUN DUN DUN. I feel Silent Hill slowly converging around me as we speak.

    Oh noes!

  4. Walking into that first alley, in the first SH game. A moment to remember

    Ditto...After my first time playing up to that point, it took me a couple of years to pick up the controller and try the game again.

    Here are some others that almost are equally as scary for me.

    1. The fourth floor button in the elevator in the hospital in SH...and the added supersticious correlation between the number 4 and death, especially in Japanese culture.

    2. Jumping down the holes in SH2 in the prison and labyrinth: The well, the gated hole, the wax/shoe hole, the body dumping hole, the elevator ride, and your own grave...I think that's all of them...fucking mind warp I tell ya.

    3. Encountering Pyramid Head in the Labyrinth, especially right before you meet up with Angela again. I sure as hell didn't expect that...Damn AI...

    4. The teacher's lounge in Midwich school. The picture on the wall, and the reality of it when you enter the alternate school.

    5. The mirror storage room in SH3.

    6. The god damn clock tower music in SH.

    I haven't played four yet...so eh...

    There's many more, but I think I will stop here.

  5. UE wrote:
    I'm planning on buying SH2 and getting SH4 for my birthday; SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. I haven't been freaked out playing a game like this, well, ever really.

    You should really try to play the first SH game as well, because 3 is a continuation of its story-line. SH will always be my favorite, although I love how psychological 2 is. But anyway, it is easy to get past the sub-par graphics (nowadays) in the original game in no time, and it still will probably scare you shitless. The details that went into that game, and all of the references to the entire horror genre are just plain amazing.

    So anyway, just thought I would mention the original...because it really is an essential game to play if you really want a great introduction into the world of Silent Hill.

    Eh. I read the plot and all of its nuances, so I understand the story and everything. I might play it one day.

    That really isn't enough...And you will be missing out...Oh well.

  6. Here's a question for you...I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but...


    In SH2, everything in James' version of Silent Hill has to do with water...Of course, when reality shifts and we enter a slightly darker version of Silent Hill (alternate), it is of course, raining...Just like in SH1....But there is more. The lake, the Blue Creek apartments, the huge amounts of water damage everywhere, the well and flooding in the prison, the basement flooding in the hotel, the water hallways of the labyrinth...The "water" ending. Anyway, I just wondered what you all think the water means. And why is it exclusive only to James? Angela experiences fire, which is pretty damn cool as well...but anyway...It's pretty interesting...

  7. UE wrote:

    I'm planning on buying SH2 and getting SH4 for my birthday; SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. I haven't been freaked out playing a game like this, well, ever really.

    You should really try to play the first SH game as well, because 3 is a continuation of its story-line. SH will always be my favorite, although I love how psychological 2 is. But anyway, it is easy to get past the sub-par graphics (nowadays) in the original game in no time, and it still will probably scare you shitless. The details that went into that game, and all of the references to the entire horror genre are just plain amazing.

    So anyway, just thought I would mention the original...because it really is an essential game to play if you really want a great introduction into the world of Silent Hill.

  8. I think this mix has a very great overall depth. It's definately not "cliche" because it really captures that original Earthbound-y euphoric trippy feel that those who have played the game enjoyed so much. It's also well produced and has an all-around great arrangement. Kudos

    And yet, I have to agree with Squid somewhat...I can barely place the songs where this arrangement come from...And believe me, I know Earthbound in and out. As a fan, I do wish it was a tad more recognizable, but anyway...You got the feel down, you got the soul. That's what counts.

  9. This was the first song I downloaded from OCR, and back then, when it first came out, it blew me away. It was also released at the same time Ailsean's mix of "Terra In Black" was released, which also blew me away as well. I had no idea that people were doing remixes of video game music, it was most awe inspiring.

    Even though he hasn't submitted a mix in a long while, AmIEvil is still my favorite mixer. This song is just a testament to, even though it is years old, the soul that he is able to capture with every song he completes.

    I don't love this song because of the original version, I love it because of all the emotion that AmIEvil was able to capture. To this day I am still able to play this song and not have any technical qualm with it, it has the same affect on me. It has withstood where a lot of older mixes have been eroded away by the newer additions to the site. And even though this is not my favorite song on the site, nor even my favorite AmIEvil song, (that would be "LetThereBeLight") it deserves a lot of appreciation. AmIEvil was one of the first to up the quality that is taken for granted today.

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