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Everything posted by Reu

  1. Hey Roe! Good to see you still around the forums! Regarding the brasses, you mean flat as in the opposite to full?
  2. Thank, haha the snare was put in to give the cast and audience something to clap to XD I'll play around with speeding up he tempo.
  3. Hey guys, one of the bigger projects I've been working on recently was a musical consisting of a 60 minute non-stop soundtrack. Thought I'd share one of the stronger themes with you guys today: http://www.reubenkee.com/music/alice/Scene%2011%20-%20Hand%20in%20hand.mp3 There are a couple more songs if you guys have facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Reuben+Kee
  4. Reference video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HucuC23X5ew For those like electric concerto who haven't heard the halo theme before. Anyway this piece has been submitted. *crosses fingers*
  5. Leah: Yeah those chicks are scary aren't they? XD Aight, I'll play around on the effects on them. electric concerto: Uhh... I don't really have a link to the halo track atm... will look around.
  6. Blackwinged Saron: Yeah! You totally felt the sense of urgency I was aiming for avaris: Will look into that horn and percs. Originally I wanted the percs to just fade into the background when the rest of the instruments and choir came back in, but I agree that another drum to keep the beat changing would help the dynamics.
  7. ThinCrust: Heya! Both tracks have their arrangement more or less complete already... Boss theme is in james bond style with Sixto helping on the guitar, birth of a god is done in epic choral/orchestra/drums style. The Joker: Well although my arrangement for birth of a god is done, I never was one to try and monopolize anything... so if Zircon agrees you could always do another version
  8. The percussions are from the grand daddy of perc sets - stormdrum XD Ahh I forgot to mention that the vocals are from a track on the Ghost in the shell: Innocence. There's a track with just the singing so I used that XD
  9. Thanks man. Worked on the lead and harmonies and raised the volume on the instruments. Updated to same url
  10. SUBMITTED. Composition complete, all sections in. Should be just tweaking from here on. I just had to do another epic battle scene with crazy drums XD This time its Halo's theme mixed with Ballade of the puppets from Ghost in the shell: Innocence. Finished arranagement. http://www.reubenkee.com/music/remixes/The%20Ballade%20of%20the%20Warriors.mp3 For those who downloaded it last time, there's no update, I just finally got around to submitting and posting the link to the source tune
  11. roar. Back from overseas and I'm reclaiming back birth of god and boss theme. I've also lost the link to the forum >_< Could someone url me? XD
  12. Heyas So I did another piano recording. This time of one of Nobuo Sama's latest works, Cloud Smiles. XD Smile!
  13. Thanks guys Avaris: I don't think it was a DP because its been almost half a year now. Its really taking longer and longer to getting it on the judges panel nowadays huh. Synth: I'm trying to familiarize myself with my naruto arrangement for a recording.
  14. This time with more piano, less scary Reu I'm STILL waiting for this to hit the judges panel after many months.
  15. Thanks guys. Was having a hard time finding a decent codec so it won't pixel spasm... in the end it still did in some spots ;_; I'll probably replace the recording of Shenmue reflections on my site with this one.
  16. Ahh I haven't uploaded this version's mp3 yet. Not sure if this one's better or the old recording.
  17. Here's a slightly modified arrangement than the one on ocremix... or the one that used to be on vgmix ;_;
  18. For the past 5 days, I have been looking at the old forums. Damn noob Reu! Blake: More cymbals and chang!!! got it SnappleMan: It may sound fake, but I gotta give it a shot Fishy: Precisely! SnappleMan: Danke debeerguy007: Thanks, Eqing in progress. SamuraiFoochs #Reload: Any tips for execution? SSB: Brasses are default reason stuff Vidilian: Thanks man, I'm trying to become more versatile. On a side note, The final version won't be posted yet for the time being because that's what Zircon wants the final to be in the competition thread. Its submitted, please vote! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4987
  19. ziwtra: I'll look into those hihats and guitar part. tweek: Okie, I'll look into the :21 part. Thanks Fickett Towleny: Glad you like the James Bond feel too XD Dash Myoku: MGS? No way! haha.
  20. ziwtra: By higher freq you mean more treble right? My isp is giving me hell trying to get that url to work. Will keep trying though. Leah: Oh yeah, the glitchy high pitched sound at 0:23 is intentional . UPDATE: First attempt at humanizing the bass and lead guitars complete. Drum loop starting at 0:39 has more variation. Brasses at 1:38 have timings fixed. Misc small tweaks here and there.
  21. RedFusion: Ahh, I'll look into the brasses there. Leah: Its hard to humanize the guitars when... I don't usually listen to guitar music besides the black mages XD. Trying really hard though, hope you can give me your feedback for the next update. Fishy: Having your help with a live guitar sounds really cool, but I want to take this opportunity to learn to try to sequence humanized guitars... if thats even possible at all. I am grateful for the offer, though. If I fail miserably, I think it would be great to hook up for an ocremix submission. Thin Crust: I happen to like James Bond music. tweek: I'll look into alternating sections with strings. Now that you mention it, the organ does kinda jump in and TAKEOVER the strings part haha. tekcoh_top: I'm crazy about the slap bass right now, but I think once this phase wears out and I can see things in even perspective, the bass guitar may get changed around Thanks for the feedback guys, almost have an update ready.
  22. Updated to same url: Bass guitars, lead guitars swapped out. Expression added to lead guitars. Tweaking to brasses, eq fixes to drums, some parts of the arrangement got modified. OmegaDonut: I gotta admit that "still more sexy" sounds nicer and will be easier to remember, though I'm a little apprehensive to change the name as I kinda like the "fighting" element in there RedFusion: Thanks man, I hope your taste will change along with mine to appreciate this new genre
  23. Thanks guys for your frank comments , I'll look into the eq and instrumentation. Though, as far as style is concerned, I need to see how far I can venture in this genre before I head back to taikos .
  24. Its uploading for Kyle atm
  25. So I'm over my oriental/taiko drum phase Spent last night working on a sexy version of "still more fighting." The scene I had in mind while arranging this was a fight scene... with... hot babes haha. Mixed rock, electronica, and all sorts of beats inbetween. This is for the FF7 remix competition on OCRemix, so don't forget to vote at the end of the month, I want an ocr T-shirt! XD Feel free to comment http://www.reubenkee.com/music/remixes/Still%20More%20Sexy%20Fighting.mp3 Edit: UPDATE: First attempt at humanizing the bass and lead guitars complete. Drum loop starting at 0:39 has more variation. Brasses at 1:38 have timings fixed. Misc small tweaks here and there.
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