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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. Right at the beginning of the song I hear a little jingle that reminds me of Crono Trigger.

    The mix over all is great...and I'm more of a fast beat techno kinda guy. I'm alittle harder to impress with the slower more gentle mixes. But this one is great.

    And I couldn't agree with Dj more. The vocals and the piano work is unparalleled.

    This one will definitely homestead a few Meg on my mp3 player.

    Great work.

  2. Her name is Kate Winslet. :roll:

    Definitely resembles the Titanic theme...that movie had the lamest ending ever...he tried to get on the piece of wood one time and then just gave up when they could have easily both fit on it....that has always bothered the hell out of me.. Other than that I have to confess (against my better judgment that I enjoyed the movie....

    Anyways the mix. I like it. Then again I'v always enjoyed this type of music. It just seems very delicate. Nice work for sure.

  3. Not your typical fast paced remix but it's easy to listen to...that's probably what I like about it the most.

    For some reason this mix reminded me of that Linus Spacehead remix that was hot not very long ago, which is definitely not a bad thing. This mix just gives off a casual aura. At 2:10 some chimes kick in that really caught my attention.

    Nice mix.

  4. This is one of the best mixes I have heard in awhile. There actually isn't alot I would change about it. It has a great tune and the entire thing just seem really intricate to me. There is a beautiful melody going on in the back ground that is every so subtle but damn..it hit my ears just right. I think this one has become one of my favorites...

    Go directly to mp3 player, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

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