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Julio Jose

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Posts posted by Julio Jose

  1. oooo god damn the krem della krem is where i am. This song is 1337 man. I love the whailing guitar. It makes me want to go stand on my roof and jam on a invisible guitar with an amp sitting beside me. Nice job.

    Oh and a little message to you all, if you truly love this rock and roll hardcore action, check out X Japan. Simply, amazing. must see

  2. i truly hate this. Everynight around midnight, i find myself on OCR listening to this track again. It is really annoying. this track is so masterful. I am a techno feind and im a closed minded bum. Im not open to new ideas. Some hip hop is good, yes but a very minute percent. This song wrenched into my brain. Such a good song, so many catchy parts to it. The trumpet is amazing. Sigh... this song is amazing. The mcing isnt bad at all. Like someone said above, if the lyrics were about bling bling, drugs bitches and cash, i would have trashed it. The 'subtle' if you may, lyrics perfectly fit this songs smooth and funkafied approach. Loving this song, auto mix cd.

    ^ as you can see above this song is so good, it makes my thoughts and ideas scattered.... BLAST IT

  3. Ok i dont like rap at all. Sorry if it sounds concieted, but I just dont. Not thug rap at least. But this, this my friends is awesome. Such a cool funk-i-fied song. Holy crap, its just really something new. The techno fiend that i am, i need to listen to other stuff sometimes, and holy crap this is the other stuff.


    that piano sample, "bright piano" on reson, and that small synth is awesome. sounds like a sample, may be mistaken. The trumpet is also well timed, and used in the right amounts. awesome track.

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