hehe, beating sephiroth is hard, but far from impossible. Personally, this was the most rewarding thing i've ever done in a video game. It took me around 15-20 goes, but when i finally did it, i was so overcome with joy that i ran and hugged my little brother (who had been cheeering me on) and proceeded to run out of the house and roll around in the grass laughing. It makes me smile evan thinking about it.
Sephoroth maybe hard, but try beating camp on extreme in Metal Gear Solid 2. That my friend takes dedication and co-ordination.
btw, i think kingdom hearts is fantastic, flame me if you must, but you're not changing my mind
Agreed. It only took me about 10 tries though. it would have taken me less, but I didn't know where to get curaga.
...I beat Sephiroth on the first try, with level 43 Sora, 42 Donald and 44 Goofy. You newbs.
Get out of my sight.
King Matt...do you take us ALL for fools?
tho, i will admit that there's a remote chance of beating seph when you're level 43...there's no way you did it on the first try...so don't even come with that load of crap