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anne amère

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Posts posted by anne amère

  1. We have known about the bumper for eight years.

    This news is as old as could possibly be.

    I would DEFINATELY prefer to learn something NEW instead of about some old stupid item nobody cares about.

    Not to mention, this information isn't exciting. It doesn't impact gameplay in any very significant way. It's not interesting at all, it's just tiny inconsequential info. Another minor, lame update of no importance.

    Sakurai, you have failed hard tonight.

    "den y do u keep checkin 4 updaits lol"

    On the 1/10000000000 chance it will actually be something relevant.

  2. I am disapointed.

    I am BEYOND disapointed.

    I feel INSULTED.

    I can't believe that Sakurai put something so RIDICULOUS-looking in the game. A man with two giant orbs of green hair...and a Hitler moustache. Dear GOD, so LAME.

    I do not want to play some kiddy cartoony childish game made for little babies.

    This information isn't exciting. It doesn't impact gameplay in very significant way. It's not interesting at all, it's just tiny inconsequential info. Another minor, lame update of no importance.

    Sakurai, you are seriously making me angry. Show us something that actually matters.

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