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Everything posted by TrueMagoo

  1. Excellent remix... this is very much my style of music... random time signatures...random samples... like a remix on crack and acid at the same time. However, the remix is also very consistant in an abstact way... and leaves you wanting more. Shnabubula you have gained a loyal fan, I can't wait to hear your next work.
  2. SoE may have been a rip from the SoM formula... however, the score was a completely different style. Some of the themes in SoE still haunt me to this day. SoE was like the creepy, eerie distant cousin to SoM; did anyone else notice how the backrounds were very reflective towards the music as well? As much as the game was quickly labeled a retrograde of Square's earlier titles, die-hard RPG fans soon realized that SoE was chillingly compelling and made for a great game. Bravo on the Remix, excellent work.
  3. I just recently posted the arrangement on SibeliusMusic.com. You can listen to it and print it out right from here... http://www.sibeliusmusic.com/cgi-bin/show_score.pl?scoreid=55070 . Thanks for all the emails I've receieved, and even more thanks to Estradasphere, who have created such an awesome arrangement.
  4. Hi, I'm a Music Ed/Composition major at SUNY Geneseo. This song is truly awesome. Seriously, when I heard it I was in shock. So much shock that I arranged it for Big Band. If anyone wants to use my arrangement, you can e-mail me at mrm12@geneseo.edu and I can send you the Sibelius file. Everything is all written out, including the exact alto sax solo and the bass solo, the solos are transcribed note for note. My high school is working on it currently. So if anyone wants a copy, just email me and I can get it to you.
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