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    Waterloo, Ontario
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    1. Not Interested or Available

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  1. Damn It's been too long OC remix. I've missed you.

  2. lots of good games have been mentioned. Here are a few more Sega Soccer Slam ( if you can find it) Worms 3d Mario baseball
  3. Loved the movie. Piramyd head was baddass. I also experienced stupid audience members who laughed at every scene. I really had to control myself not to punch them in the heart. There was funny parts though but you can tell when the rest of the theater is laughing. I really liked the part when she runs into the garbadge can, its like the video games and the bad camera angles. I really liked the music beforhand so I dont see how it can become bad in the movie. Im definatly going to go see it agian in theaters. Hopefully there wont be any clowns.
  4. This song is awsome. Love every second of it.
  5. I loved SH2 because it had sweet music and I found Maria preety sexy. Im playing my way through 3 right now its also good crazy little bunnies with blood in their mouth.
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