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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Posts posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. You should've been around for PRC 2-7. They had to remix this very theme, and they had some excellent entries, but this one would've won for sure had you entered it. It's about time we got a Golden Sun mix in here too.

    Wow... I had just assumed this was from that PRC... now I need to actually hear it. :D

    EDIT: Good stuff. I disagree with people who say it was too short though; I'd take too short over too repetitive anyday. I think EgM said all that he needed to in his time slot. A keeper.

  2. K, so it's 5:55am, I spent V-day alone again, I just finished polishing off the first DVD of Boy Meets World's second season, I'm considering e-mailing Danielle Fishel (aka Tapanga), and I log on OCR to read this:

    Just in time to soil your V-day with carnal simian imagery...

    So true, Mr. Lloyd, you have an amazing way with words.

    Dhsu, you're a close second with your opening comment.

    Oooh, Danielle Fishel was in a National Lampoon movie...

  3. I am looking for a female vocalist, with access to a microphone, asap. Leave a message on my AIM or PM me, please. Thanks.

    HA! So's everyone else with ears and a penis.

    On the topic of female vocalists I have this to say, get a good mike yourself (if you don't already have one) and go to a nearby college campus or something advertising that you'll pay/hold auditions... there's lots of girls that want to sing *cough-american idol-cough*.

    I've got a request though, and I think some people might be able to meet it; can anyone play some soft sexy muted trumpet? Not the kind with the buzz, but the muzak kind.


    Man I love a good disjunct sound. I don't know if when I played this game I was forced to use PC speakers or if I just wasn't listening but this is a great little tune that you can tell is close to the original.

    Very enjoyable... there's nothing I love more than a nice disjunct/detuned na-na-na-na-boo-boo melody used well. My new song of the month.


  5. The guy at the end says 'Gannon did it,' but it all runs together and sounds more like 'Ganno'd'it' so you really have to strain to hear it.

    Great, thanks! I kept thinking it sounded like, "Yoda did it!" or "Yuna did it!" and of course, neither of those would FIT in Zelda 3. *Laughs*

    GAH! It does sound like yoda did it. That or Kyoto, but that's a Japanese city! For crap's sakes! Who did it!?!

  6. Oh man, boo...

    maybe it's because I'm not as much of a funkadelic zepplin or hendrix fan, but this guitar just doesn't seem to offer enough redeeming value to me on this one.

    I don't consider myself to be a good guitarist and I didn't hear anything there that I couldn't do on my third try. The drums sound too fake, the instruments are too sparse and artificial, and the overall message is very: 'I made a funk song'.

    I don't doubt it took you a day, or maybe a weekend... but I just don't think it's up to the par of some of the latest OCR stuff... it affirms to me that some very unfortunate biases are likely forming. Since the bar is already so high to begin with I think that the bar should be raised higher as the artist gets better as well.

    When I knew I knew the name zyko from another track I liked I investigated, and was shocked to learn you were behind the Submarine Attack song with Destiny & the Europa Pegasi track with the wingless... those were much better.

    2/10 because it's still a song.

    Your guitar is good... but I think you need to do more collaborations... or learn more instruments. :)

  7. While I can tell it was well produced, and the dynamics were well done and effective. The liberties taken here, the sheer combination of so many themes, it just left me very uninspired. I agree with thealexfish.

    A little more harshly; I was physically rolling my eyes at how many OCR/orchestral cliches were used here. It was like everything I don't like about an orchestral OCR mixed in to one track.

    And I can't help but think; How does someone who's as big as GreyLightening wake up and say: "I think I'll mix something today, you know what I'd like to hear: an orchestral rendition of a Chrono Trigger piece, I should check to see if anyone has done frog's theme..."

    To someone just coming here, (ie: from Fark) it will floor them. I hope this pleases many fans of CT and the song chosen. But sorry I think I've built up a bias.

  8. I can play classical guitar (like the sheet music & nylon string type) and I can also offer my vocal skills.

    I'm gonna go ahead and say that includes singing, rapping, beatboxing, and various kinds of scat.

    I would also consider my improvisational mixing arrangement and creative ability to all be moderate - good.

    Is anyone actually going to use this suprisingly good resource of performers? 8O I would LOVE to play a part in ANY kind of collaboration.

  9. You guys...




    Nice freakin' work. *mumbles to self about how 'my time will come, my time will come'*

    Yeah... so I need to appologize, that post was very self-centered. This is your moment you guys, soak it up. This is a beautiful fusion of two talented and different styles and it works, dare I say, perfectly.

    You guys have come a long way, I'm excited to see where you're going, and this song is a triumph for you both.

    I'm proud to call you both my friends.

  10. I realized after a little while that not putting my 2 cents here would be a crime to such an amazing mix.

    While, after a LOT of listening there's the odd thing I could see that would improve, (picky things that would probably just put my spin on it instead of yours) this is still an astounding piece of brilliant piano jazz. It's a great take on the original piece and a huge compliment to the original composer.

    This track in particular carries special memories for me from this past summer of 2004. I would drive into night shift with my OCR cd cranked (two luxuries that were new to me) and would sing along... I know that would ruin it in any jazz club, but I pretty much memorized the whole thing by ear. It was just me, the night sky, the responsibility of the car, the wet windshield, and the smooth smooth mood-setting piano. The live piano recording sounds infinitely better than the highest quality soundfont...


    As a greedy fan I demand more like it... but take you're time... give me 10/10's, not that should be too hard for your blessed fingers.

    JJT, I salute.

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