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Everything posted by o2coolc
WOW... first off..... I havent posted here in like 2 years... MySpace replaced the OCR forums for me a few years back. ANYWAY... now that I've actually logged in... LINK DOES HAVE A WILD CRAZY SPINNING ATTACK like that. Its not in MOST Zelda games BUT... it was in one of his Gameboy games... back in the day. From like 6-7+ years ago... you'd hold down the B button on the GB or GBA and it would charge... then when you let go... he'd thrust/spin crazy til he hit something... it would propel him thru the gaming screens and whatnot... `peace
Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)
o2coolc replied to CapnHulk's topic in General Discussion
Hi. Well I'm looking for a sig for my myspace.com acct. Don't know if you guys are familar with myspace but a memember here: Jam Stunna, has a really tight sig and I wanted to know if someone here could resize it and put my name: Shabazz, insteada Jam Stunna's on it. Here's Jams sig... the only thing is it has to be: the size should be: width:435px; height:75px. I currently have the whole sig (440 x 140) fit into the 435x75 space alotted in myspace, but a small part of it is cut out. Hopefully someone can help me out. Thanks alot. p.s. if you need to "see" what Im talking about. the sig is on my myspace profile at: myspace.com/encino. Its right at the top, give the page 2mins to load. Thx `peace -
hi. I'm new to Halo2 on XBox live but Ill like to join. My tag is: o2coolc on XBox live. However my skills are pretty low (compared to ppl playing it for months) but getting better. My roomate bought halo2 the day it came out but it never had the feel of Halo 1 for me so i stopped playing it. I'm pretty unstoppable on Halo 1 so I've got basic halo 2 skills just still getting used 2 the levels. anyway I bought XBox Live 2 days (ironically) to play Halo 1 against people on Xbox live only 2 find Halo 1 ISNT on Xbox live so I've been playing halo2 on xbox live and im addicted to it now. anyway what do i need 2 do to add to your clan P.S. What I created my XBox live account 2 days ago i selectred the name: o2coolc. thats the name i have in matches. how do I change my name to something else?
Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)
o2coolc replied to CapnHulk's topic in General Discussion
Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)
o2coolc replied to CapnHulk's topic in General Discussion
ok thx alot capnhulk. sorry for reposting the PM here. I didnt know if you got it. i'm still new to the general requesting process, so I'm sorry I rushed you . that said, thx for all the help so far . Also you said: Is that why the top line looked off, and out of curiosity what does .pngs stand for? I know how to save the sig at that type, I just don't know what it means. Once again thx 4 all the help -
Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)
o2coolc replied to CapnHulk's topic in General Discussion
Capnhulk, thx for my first ever sig. It looks great. Couple of small things tho: The top line of the sig looks uneven for some reason. -Could you move the moon a little more to the right (like a 1/2 or 1/3 of an inch). Right near the inner border line you set up and then move dhalism to the right so he's not directly in the middle. Also could you make Dhalism just a little bit smaller, so that Dhalism doesnt completely overshadow my name. -Also I really like the font you used for the o2coolc, got a cool indian feel to it. However could you make it about twice as big and put it on the horizon of the water, so that its a little more easier to see. -Last off could (using that same indian looking font) you put the word "tiZZle" where u have o2coolc right now? with a smaller font size, and then put "bliZZle" on the opposite side (bottom right) And for the tiZZle bliZZle, could you use a different color? maybe yellow like the color of dhalisms shorts? Anyway I REALLY APPRECIATE you taking the time to make the sig for me. Its really amazing! -
Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)
o2coolc replied to CapnHulk's topic in General Discussion
To CapnHULK, As I was reading thru the last couple of pages I see that you're the main guy that does sigs. I was a huge fan of Marvel growing up an think your sig is awesome. That said do you think u can make me a SIG? I posted a couple of days ago but it ended up being the LAST message in the last page so I dont know if u saw it so i'll repost if. If u can make me one because your too busy then its ok. Just let me know if u can or can't. (p.s. Make me a sig with those pics anyway u can, I know I had a setup in my mind but it'll probably take u too long to follow it so with the dhalism pic, and a ice blue back ground with:o2cool try n make something, thanks) original message ---------------- Hi. I'd like to request a SIG. I've been downloaading music for about 4 or 5 years from here and have started posting message in the threads for about a year and would like a SIG if someone could make me one. I've got some ideas (and PICS) for a SIG but have never used Photoshop so here I am. Basically just something that says my name: o2cool. Here's the idea I had for one: A regular rectangular sig thats split in half color wise (top half ice blue, bottome half fire red) In the background would be a pic of Dhalism that I've got, and in the top left corner would be a (small) word: tizzle and bottom right: blizzle. And the name o2cool would be across the Sig. Anyway I made a Paint version (its garbage) just to bring the ideas outta my head and make visible. Last off is there a request process or is just posting a message here all i need to do. Thanks P.S. here are the links to the pics. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/o2coolc/dhalsim.jpg (dhalism pic for the background) http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/o2coolc/sf2ce-dhalsim.jpg (if u can make the 1st dhalism pic's skin color the color of THIS dhalism, then it'd be perfect) last off here's the cheap PAINT version of what i was thinking (i know its crap!) with o2cool being added accros the sig: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/o2coolc/Sigprototype.jpg let me know if someone can make it -
Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)
o2coolc replied to CapnHulk's topic in General Discussion
Hi. I'd like to request a SIG. I've been downloaading music for about 4 or 5 years from here and have started posting message in the threads for about a year and would like a SIG if someone could make me one. I've got some ideas (and PICS) for a SIG but have never used Photoshop so here I am. Basically just something that says my name: o2cool. Here's the idea I had for one: A regular rectangular sig thats split in half color wise (top half ice blue, bottome half fire red) In the background would be a pic of Dhalism that I've got, and in the top left corner would be a (small) word: tizzle and bottom right: blizzle. And the name o2cool would be across the Sig. Anyway I made a Paint version (its garbage) just to bring the ideas outta my head and make visible. Last off is there a request process or is just posting a message here all i need to do. Thanks P.S. here are the links to the pics. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/o2coolc/dhalsim.jpg (dhalism pic for the background) http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/o2coolc/sf2ce-dhalsim.jpg (if u can make the 1st dhalism pic's skin color the color of THIS dhalism, then it'd be perfect) last off here's the cheap PAINT version of what i was thinking (i know its crap!) with o2cool being added accros the sig: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/o2coolc/Sigprototype.jpg let me know if someone can make it -
Hi. Thanks for the info. I downloaded UnFREEz but I'm having trouble. I downloaded an AVI/video file of two stickfigures fighting each other (Jet-li and Jackie chan) Its 1.44MB's. Then I downloaded ImageVideoMachine from download.com which broke the video into 1807 JPEG images which I put in an empty folder. Afterwards (now) I just downloaded UnFREEz 2.1 and followed all the steps but realized I needed GIFs so I rebroke the video file and selected GIF as the image format. I deleted the original 1807 JPEG images. Now when I right click any of the 1807 images and select properties the image registers as a GIF. However when I select all the images and drop them in unfreez and click "make animated GIF" and save it to my desktop I get a screen reading "ERROR Not a GIF File, or incorrect version number" Why is this happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated. PS Even though the original AVI was 1.44mb, the 1807 GIfs amount to 5.7MBs. why is this and how should i make it smaller so it can be my sig
thx for the response. I don't have photoshop so is there anyfreeware you can recommend to make it an animate GIF and how would I redue the size to 400KBs.
ok a little more info. I tried to upload the file to ImageShack but it said my file type (avi) is not allowed. how would I change the the avi file to an allowed file like Jpeg or Gif. last off i was wrong on the size. my avi file is 1.44MB and Imageshack says it only allows 1.02MB's. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I'm new to having a SIG. right now my sig is just a line: tizzle blizzle 1/2 black 1/2 asain. After reading the first page of this thread I understand I need to upload an image I want as a SIG to the internet. However how to I post a moving image? I've notice a few people have sigs that move like Yu-yu-kasha or one of the Anime guys "powering up" where the flames are moving and another person has a moving picture of Ken from SFII doing a flaming uppercut. I want to know what steps I need to do this? I have a small file of two stick figures fighting each other doint boxing and then karate and wanted to use it as my sig. I currently have the file in a folder on my desktop. could someone please tell me what I need to do to upload it on the internet (since its a image that moves) its a 768KB video clip. Thanks