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Posts posted by AMT

  1. If voting on mixes happens before ALL THE SONGS ARE COMPLETE.... this will be just a waste of mine, and other peoples time.

    I am sure voting and all that other fun shit will happen after the songs are complete..well the ones that there are more than one mixer for anyways.

    Voting on shit before the mixer even gets a chance to finish....that would be just pure bullshit.

    The voting will be after everything is done

    Agreed'd / 10

  2. Menu Molity: Wow!!! Quite a different ReMix! This project is coming out full of surprises hahaha!!

    I don`t really know why, but it reminds me of a DK song... It has a nice groove to it, and a good ambience too. Keep it up.

    Thanks, RTF. And good call, DKC is sort of an inspiration for this.

    If I didn't know better, I would have thought it was a DKC mix until the lead picks up. Then again, I love DKC, so that's not a bad thing.

  3. Anyway, here's a really early draft


    Gangsta Lead isn't quite there yet.

    Sounding good, but that squealing noise... Maybe reduce the volume on it, or something, 'cause I think it'd start to get annoying after a while.

    Early WIP. The ReMix yet to be titled.


    Excellent man, that one is great!

    This is the only WIP I'l give out to the public, so the final release will only be avaliable when the project is released :wink:,_Knuckles!.mp3

    this is the first demo, so it will be improved a lot on the final version, and of course, it wil be longer than that (maybe 5 or 6 minutes).

    so yeah enjoy.

    Nice name. This one is coming along very nicely, possibly my favorite one so far. Can't wait to hear the final!

    This one's a good start, I like the style of it. Like Hadyn said, fix that high-pitched noise and it'll be great.

    I hope you all don't mind me commenting on the songs, I don't know how to remix at all, so I really have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to composition. I'm just telling you from a listener's standpoint, so feel free to completely disregard this post. <_<

    By the way, anyone think up a cool name for the overall project?

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