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Decoy Octopus

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Posts posted by Decoy Octopus

  1. Three years later, I'm wondering why The Twin Snakes was even made at all.

    I'll admit, I was pretty excited when it came out... but after a lot of sober second thought, the game just seems completely unnecessary.

    It doesn't end up improving upon anything from the original. If anything it bastardizes it. The level designs were clearly not meant to utilize the MGS2 engine and attempts to accommodate this are shoddy at best. Why they removed the ethnic accents from the voice actors is beyond me. And the new cutscenes, while interesting to watch, do not fit into the larger Metal Gear context. The Matrix-esque stunts are too over-the-top in a game that is, in many ways, already over-the-top.

    I won't say that it's a bad game. But I would say that if you really want the best quality Metal Gear Solid experience, head for your PSone. In that respect, The Twin Snakes is a failure.

  2. Loved the 300 parody.

    I dunno... the parody seemed needless. They didn't do anything with it.

    Usually when Matt and Trey base an episode around another work it's for a reason. They cleverly tie the parody in with some other issue. But not this time. It seemed, instead, mostly gimmicky.

    The episode had moments of hilarity but, in the grand scope of South Park, it was an average to below-average episode.

  3. I was really addicted to this game recently. It's pretty hot. I want the full version but I'm really broke.

    What in particular is bad with the DS version? Just the graphics?

    The graphics aren't bad... they just aren't at the same level as the PSP.

    And the stylus controls are mandatory and can be touchy from time to time. You end up making a mistake every once and awhile during a "battle". This is about my biggest criticism of the game. If only they could have included optional d-pad controls. But, really, it hasn't affected how much I enjoy the game.

  4. I wish the deletion of all my comments in Review forum. And please remove the avatars I did for the site as well.

    Sorry. Txai.

    All that stuff is now the intellectual property of David W. Lloyd. You ceded your claim to it when it was submitted.

    Tough break, pal.

  5. The demo is awesome, but then I saw videos of the DS version and it looked much, much, much worst. So I'm either waiting for the PC version or until I get a PSP.

    The DS version is not without problems... but it's still a great game. It doesn't warrant being avoided like the Bubonic Plague.

  6. A week ago I had never even heard of this game. And then Penny Arcade ran a comic that hit my funny bone something hard. I started reading about Puzzle Quest after that to see what the hell it was. I was shocked to find it was, basically, Bejeweled RPG. All the reviews for the game were fairly glowing... except for an inept critique from Nintendo Power. It sounded like fun so I went and picked it up Wednesday afternoon. And I pretty much haven't stopped playing it since.

    It's a great blend of RPG and puzzle elements. The battle system is nothing more than competitive Bejeweled but there is a lot of strategy and options to consider depending on who you're fighting and the items you have equipped.

    You can also tell that the game was influenced, especially in its presentation, by Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics.

    The music is also excellent.

    Hell, I'm trying to rattle this post out so that I can go back to playing the game. Just wanted to see if anyone else has purchased this game (in either DS or PSP form) and is enjoying it as much as I am. Is anyone not like it..?

  7. Mayor McDaniels is still alive..?

    I always thought she died in Die Hippie, Die. Wikipedia says "Later in the same episode she was seen alive with a bandage around her head stained with blood." I don't remember that...

  8. ...or, at the very least, played it?

    If you don't know, the game goes for a ridiculous amount of money on ebay. I've been watching the auctions constantly for the last six months and they never go for less than $100 (and even that is low-balling the average).

    I own Suikoden and Suikoden III... and that hole in the collection is bothering to a completionist such as myself . But I'm just not sure I want to spend that kind of money.

    I'm curious to see how many people have played or own the game and whether they think it's worth the coin it goes for.

  9. Preview for Tonight's Episode:

    Oh... I guess I never got around to posting that this week. Thanks.

    Yeah, I am quite looking forward to this episode (not that I'm ever not looking forward to an episode...)

  10. Perhaps we should add "Real Name" as a user profile field; it'd be optional, obviously, but for things like this, very helpful...


    I know my friend criticizes OCR all the time because of how 'impersonal' it is. He feels that you can't have meaningful conversations when referring to someone only by their online moniker. Of course, who cares what he thinks...

    My point is, having the option to include your real name seems like a good idea to me... and would appease the naysayers...

  11. You need to roll up the king first. The next time you play that challenge, she'll be walking around too.

    That would explain it then. I only rolled the King up for the first time the other day and haven't got a chance to play it since.

  12. According to superphillip32 at gamefaqs.com:

    #10: Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!

    #09. Diddy Kong Racing

    #08. Super Mario 64

    #07. Mario Kart 64

    #06. Mario Party

    #05. Mario Golf

    #04. Banjo-Kazooie Series

    #03. Perfect Dark

    #02. The Legend of Zelda series

    #01. Jet Force Gemini

    So, is it true? Do all the best N64 soundtracks come from Nintendo and Rare?

    I think there's room to dispute superphillip32's choices here. Like the curious absence of GoldenEye (even though it is another Rare title).

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