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Posts posted by supremespleen

  1. My uncle wants to pop it open and try to replace the hard drive. I do not know if that is possible. Here is what he sent me. He's been unable to open it, even after taking out the screws. Can he just yank it really hard, or what?

    here's the picture of the back panel of the sony laptop. the model number is vgn-a270, however there is another model number listed on the back panel... it's pcg-8r3l. not sure why there two. anyway, the picture shows that i've removed all the screws but for some reason i can't seperate the back panel from the body of the laptop. if you have any insight or know anyone who does on how to remove the panel, i'd really would appreciate it.


  2. Just finished watching it. All in all, not bad. The cinematography, editing, location sound and foley were all surprisingly good for a high school movie. Videogame and movie references were nice and nerdy. The Metal Gear part was hysterical.

    I'm curious: how did shooting take?

    Mmm... we filmed over the course of about 2.5 weeks. It was fairly difficult because there was a play going on at the same time and many of the actors and actresses were involved in both (and gave the play higher priority). We also needed to finish before school got out, so the whole thing was super rushed. There are actually a few scenes that ended up with tiny amounts of boom mic that had to be left in because I had to time to reshoot anything. It took me and a friend about 45 hours or so to edit it.

    Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. After much more fiddling than it should have taken, I finally have the video I worked on with my school's cinematography club uploaded. Here it is, in all it's four part glory, The Adventure of Doug! It's sort of an Indiana Jones parody, with lots of video game references and a few rough spots here and there. I play the bad guy. Also, I believe Ghettoflame recorded the VO for the beginning. I forgot to put him in the credits, though D:

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    Make sure to stay after the credits. Also: because YouTube is lame, a few scenes are really dark. Sorry about that. You may want to fullscreen it or turn your brightness up.

  4. I've just about finished filming for a movie with my school's Cinematography Club and we need some voice overs that sound sort of like and older Native-American man. If you think you can do it, or do something close, please record yourself saying these lines and e-mail the wav or mp3 to me at supremespleen@gmail.com

    We'll put cool Indian music under it, as well.

    We raised our voices to the Great Spirit. Many a warrior met on that fateful eve. Each warrior brought their bow. Each placed a single arrow in THE QUIVER OF TIME. With a shaman’s blessing, the quiver was given to my son, Coyote. But we were foolish and arrogant. We could not control the great power within it. When the arrows were fired, it unleashed a great force. Many white men and many of our sons died that day. We vowed to never use the quiver again.
    And some references:


  5. So, I'm looking to pick up a good, deep, engrossing DS game.

    So far my options seem limited to Layton and Days of Ruin. Advice? Layton seems cool, but I think the puzzles may annoy me after awhile. I'm worried that Days of Ruin will get difficult to the point where I will become frustrated and quit.


  6. How sure is it that you will receive a copy of the game the day it launches if you pre-ordered it GameStop? I sure as hell am not going at midnight so I'm wondering if I should show up Sunday morning early before the store opens or do I not have to worry about it because I should 100&% get it since I reserved it?
    I actually asked about this over on Remod, Demitri works at GameStop and had this response.
    (can any GameStop employees here confirm that?)

    If they do things correctly, out of the copies they recieve (probably today or tomorrow), they put the number of reserves in a drawer or a special section of their game drawers. If they don't recieve enough copies to fulfill every single reserve (which is rare), they do not sell any copies until all reserves are fulfilled. If they run out of spare copies, and only have reserve copies to sell, and demand is high enough, they are allowed to sell reserve copies 48-72 hours after the release date (i think it's three days, but i think it might vary from manager to manager, the minimum is 2 days afaik).

  7. How long have you had this number? There are only a finite amount of phone numbers available, and especially with cell phones you can wind up being assigned a number that used to belong to someone else. I've had my cell phone number for over a year and I still get calls intended for whoever used to have the number before I got it. Maybe the guy the bill collectors are trying to reach has stopped making his payments but "forgot" to tell them that the phone number they have for him is no longer accurate, and you had the misfortune to get the number that used to be his.
    I've had it for 2-3 years.
  8. They started about a month ago. I would get calls from a No Name/No Number. I'd answer and there would be a long pause before anyone said anything. The first two times I hung up, then I started waiting. The first time the caller (in some sort of foreign accent) asked for a name that I didn't understand, but was not me. I told them they had the wrong number and the guy apologized and hung up. A few times later I told them they'd been calling me often and that it was the wrong number, they profusely apologized and hung up.

    The weird thing is, once after I told them they had the wrong number they asked if it was *my cell number here*. I said it was, but there was no one by the name of the person they were looking for here.

    I was starting to think the calls were finished, when I got another today. This was from 1-800-399-5166. I've googled around and found the following:




    supposedly the 800 number is this: http://www.gemoney.com/

    That last site looks kind of crappy and like it may be some sort of advert in disguise. But it looks like the 800 number that called is some sort of bill collector? What the hell? I am not even old enough to have bills to deal with.

  9. The 5182 comes from a friend who's email address ended with that...i lost track of the guy a long time ago. Part of me still hopes he is out there so the 5182 might remind him of a guy he once knew.
    That is the coolest reasoning behind chosen numbers in a 'net handle I've ever heard.
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