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Everything posted by JamesXIIC
Right, I've decided the Juno is probably not a good idea from what you guys are saying. It's a decent synth but seems too expensive and I couldn't care less about having a "well known" synth. I looked at the ESQ-1 and its big brother (SQ-80) and it looks VERY nice indeed. I like how it has sampled waveforms on it so you can get some kick ass piano and string sounds. Also aftertouch on a late 80's synth? Always a bonus! Only problem is finding one here. No luck on either eBay or anywhere else (AdTrader included). I might just settle for a dispute between the microKORG and the Micron because I would love to spend less and get an 80's or early 90's classic but it's just not for happening. Looked up all those synths and no luck on 2nd hand sources at all. Oh and as for the MS2000/B, I went to the shop and was not impressed. Yeah it looks cool and retro but it sounds slightly worse than the microKORG (the sound chips were improved over the years), costs double, is bulky, much less forgiving to program (okay there are knobs that control almost everything but the way they are laid out is totally stupid). Plus no vocoder and DWGS or on-board delay. I don't mind the microKORG's approach to programming. Once you get your head around it that is. As for the Micron I downloaded the manual and was not impressed in the slightest. I'm sure it's much more forgiving when you sit down and try it yourself though. So unless any of you guys can give me a link or tips on where to get a good 2nd hand synth like the ESQ-1 in the UK, I'll be better off getting a new one.
Well, I don't think there is a place in whole of Scotland that will let me demo an Alesis so I'll just have to buy it in good faith if I decide to go down that path. As for the Roland SH-201, I watched a video on Roland's site. Looks very good I must say but I doubt we'll be getting it anytime soon over here. Also $500-600 is pushing my budget and whilst it has direct feed ins for external audio so does both the KORG and the Alesis. I don't think I can see myself using that feature much and am more interested in the vocoders supplied with the Alesis and KORG, but for that price it does look very impressive....and sexy. Still, i'm going to the seller of the Juno-106's house to check it out. Is £240 for a Juno-106 a little steep? That's 425$ for you Americans. I think that's a little bit expensive sounding but I'm a synth newb so what would I know?
Okay I'll make this simple. Want to buy my first hardware synth. 3 possible candidates. - KORG microKORG - Alesis Micron - Roland Juno-106 (second hand) All are roughly the same price. I want a synth that is easy to program and sounds rich and dynamic. I'm going for very retro 80's sounds here. What one would you recommend? I have actually played a microKORG at my local music shop and was pretty impressed by its sound and ease of use, but they don't have anything else in that's cheap, or any second hand alternatives. The pickings are slim here in Scotland so there aren't many 2nd hand synths floating about. I know it's all down to opinion but if the good members of OCR could give me some guidence it would be gladly appriciated. Also a lot of people say the Micron can do everything the microKORG can do and better. Do any of you believe this is the case?
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History
JamesXIIC replied to Shael Riley's topic in Projects
Well all I want to make sure is that the ending is pretty abrupt. This is the title music so when you hit the title screen the music should stop. So my appeal is solely for the purpose of keeping it authentic. However I do realise this album is required to have urban influences so if he could scratch or transform the ending that'd be cool too. -
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History
JamesXIIC replied to Shael Riley's topic in Projects
I was gonna say I don't want my track to fade out.......but then I remembered I'd be at the end of the album anyway. So yeah, if everyone else thinks it's cool then I think it'd be a good idea. -
Erm.....okay you took that WAY too seriously. You said in your earlier post that "HALion was NOT cheaper than KONTAKT 2" then I gave evidence that it IS cheaper to try and SUPPORT your view that HALion might be a better option. Jeez....I even said myself in an earlier post that the fact HALion was cheaper was only a GOOD thing. Get your facts right please. I did not have a direct stab at you and was only suggesting my OPINION. I didn't say HALion IZ TEH EVIL!!!111 or anything of the sort. I'm sorry I prefer Native Instruments but after seeing people like zircon, and other people who use a lot of software synths and samplers, put it too good use and compliment it I have plenty of reasons to feel this way. As for a test in a local music store....you gotta be joking...I live in Scotland. Stores around here don't do that sort of thing because there is a very little market for music software up here. Most places don't even STOCK HALion, nevermind let you go and try it out for free. Oh and don't go knocking FL Studio. I'm sorry I don't have shit-loads of cash to shell out for a program that's way beyond my head. FL is simple, I like things simple and that is why it appeals to me. And for your information, I like Cakewalk Pro Audio as well and FL is very similar to it in a lot of ways. And finally, I DID upgrade from a used version and got it for half price. You think that getting something for 50% of its RRP is retarded?
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History
JamesXIIC replied to Shael Riley's topic in Projects
Nice work. Very true to the original. I think I'll have your track close out the album, with Jivemaster's opening it up. That's fine Shael, it would be an honour to be the ending title on the album and I'm happy I finally got it up to scratch. Remember I was using crappy headphones so the mastering might not be too hot, is there anything at all you want me to tidy up or suggest? Or do you have plans for someone in particular to do the final mastering to all the tracks? Anyway, glad to be part of the team and we are at least one step closer to completion. -
Sorry to correct you again: 1) HALion is not cheaper than Kontakt 2. It costs 399bucks new unless you have an elder version (also registered) and updated from that one. 2) It's not bundled with Cubase. It's independend since the beginning and can be used with every VST host out there. And since V3 it's also pretty much stand-alone (runs without VSTi host). (well what do you expect from the very first VSTi sampler from the firm that invented the VST technology) So yeah. It always rises up a bit for me as soon as I see that something was missed out as "second/additional possibility". Sorry to correct you correcting me but: 1) KONTAKT 2 costs approximately $499 ($100 more) See here for some evidence. Maybe this is just a one off but I'm sure the quoted price on Native Instruments website is more. The site is down right now but I remember it being $579 recommended retail. Here's another link to reflect this. 2) I wasn't saying it CAN'T work as a VST or stand-alone I was just explaining that my reasons for not reading into are related to the fact I didn't like Cubase, that the very same Steinberg were behind. I know they practically invented VSTi technology, but that doesn't mean that my opinion of Cubase's tendency not to be as user-friendly as I'd like doesn't put me off their other products. Again no hard feelings and if you like HALion that's great. I'm sure others find it to be a great sampler and would prefer it over others, including said KONTAKT 2. I might be interested too, I just haven't had the time to check it out yet and have already ordered KONTAKT 2 myself so I won't be until I have some extra cash. Then by all means I'll consider it. Still, don't forget, "each to their own".
VST, DirectX instruments and effects thread
JamesXIIC replied to DM Lee's topic in Music Composition & Production
Fruity Loops has a Vocoder in it man....just to let you know. It's an effect though but it's pretty good (128 band one). Look up the "Vocoder" template on FL Studio and it should show you how to use it. If not I'll happily try and explain. As for reversing Sampletank samples I think you are just gonna have to do the WAV dumps unfortunately. I don't think there will be a free VST that can do that for you. I doubt most VST samplers come with WAV editing abilities. I'm glad that my advice helped you sort out Sampletank 2 though. -
*cough* Halion *cough* My apologies, I entirely forgot about HALion. I haven't read much into it myself but I'm sure you have your point. It's also cheaper than KONTAKT 2 so that's always good as well. The reason is that I've never been a fan of Cubase (too complex for the likes of me) and as a result that threw me off HALion....but that's not to say KONTAKT 2 is better or has more features. I just meant to say it's up there with the best. Again I apologise for my ignorance.
Bear in mind that some formats won't import absolutely perfectly though apparently the import engine was improved drastically from KONTAKT. I heard it had some problems with some HALion and Giga libraries. That said, KONTAKT 2 is still probably in a league of it's own sampler-wise. It can import basically any format and there's no other sampler that covers as many formats I believe....well 'cept for the original KONTAKT. Hell, there's an offer on now where it's 50% if you own ANY sample library that uses a KONTAKT or KOMPAKT player. (Ethno World 3 and Garritan Personal Orchestra). So that's why I'm orderig it myself and anyone with any of those sample libraries should too.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History
JamesXIIC replied to Shael Riley's topic in Projects
Despite many abandoning your project, there is a glimmer of hope. Shael, I return! And I finally got around to finishing my "Title Theme". This time around I used fight sounds to make the sound effects seem less out of place, like you said. Also there is no more clicking whatsoever and it's been touched up a bit. Tell me what you think, it's not FINAL but it's pretty close. Look for "Street Fighter Title Screen" Hope it is almost ready. -
Anyone know where I could get some 70's disco sounding strings? Thanks in advance.
VST, DirectX instruments and effects thread
JamesXIIC replied to DM Lee's topic in Music Composition & Production
If you is talking about ST2 and FL Studio I can help ya, a'ight? It's pretty simple but there is one disadvantage I can't get myself around. See when you load ST2 each sound has a channel number? Far, far left of the ST2 interface, usually 1-16? Say you put a guitar in channel one and a bass on channel two as below. Now there is a box in the RIGHT UPPER corner called port? Set the port to "x", i.e. a number you want. In this case 1. In this picture the channel is linked to the guitar, (MIDI channel 1 on port 1 as set in Sampletank). Therefore all the piano roll for this channel will play notes from the Sampletank guitar on MIDI channel 1. To set up the bass guitar on MIDI channel 2, port 1 just make another "MIDI Out" channel like before but change the "MIDI channel" to 2 instead of 1 like before, as pictured now. The piano roll will now represent the Sampletank bass. Hope this helps. -
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History
JamesXIIC replied to Shael Riley's topic in Projects
http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=60282 Check out the newest version with reworked brass and added hadoken. Thanks in advance. -
Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History
JamesXIIC replied to Shael Riley's topic in Projects
This is a link to the WIP for my version of the title music. Of course it's incomplete and very dirty but tell me what you think anyway. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=60282 Thanks in advance. -
Thanks tons, but I got the e-mail before you replied, or at least before I got back on the forum. I don't mind waiting at all for the username and password, it's just they ain't very clear on how you recieve the required details. Now, I've set up it, it's working fine but I'm a bit annoyed.... Is it just me or are the download speeds from 'SampleFusion.com' terrible? I'm getting 2 kB/s on 1 Mbit Broadband here! I don't mind having to wait hours for what should take minutes but I feel a bit ripped off if they are only giving some and not all the samples from the CDs, and THEN making them a chore to download them. Hope it's just my luck and it's not a ploy that everyone's had to deal with..... Also, where is this FAQ you speak of? Need to find out how to get 'internal controllers' working and other stuff too. I tried searching for it but to no avail. I only recently worked out how to use FX channels and am now really impressed so I'm gathering there are tons of other techniques, especially wave synthesis, that I need to brush up on. At the moment the only things I really know is that sine waves give you an smooth organ-like sound, sawtooth waves give you a raspy sound and square waves give you a sort of mellow sound, like an orbiter bass. Course there are many other types too, although I've yet to find a use for noise except maybe for effects or if you take the mix down. Anyway, thanks for all the help, don't want to bother you too much again, but if you could aid me in my pursuit of more FL knowledge, I'd be grateful.
Okay so I *BOUGHT* Fruity Loops Studio Edition from the official web-site using my VISA. Now it's telling me something about 2 business days? Do I get the reg code sent to me in by e-mail or in the post? Does it get sent to you at all? When will I be able to access the site as a user? I'm pretty pissed off cause the site doesn't tell you anything about what happens and what to do after you order the online version! Can someone please shead some light on this subject for me? Thanks in advance.