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Posts posted by Raziellink

  1. Yeah everyone let's all seriously take into account what Mexican newspaper says!

    Edit: Who the hell is Tim Van Rellim, anyway? I am pretty sure that the producers of the film are Stephen Chow and James Wong.

    Wow, way of being an asshole about it. Ofcourse i believed it. Or should i disregard EVERYTHING that i read, because it might be from an unexpected place; in this case Mexico? :S

  2. Don’t worry, that isn’t a spoiler until the next film, and by that time most of you will be too senile to even remember this article. Tim Van Rellim, the producer for the live-action Dragonball movie was interviewed by a mexican newspaper, where he decided to let the cat out of the bag. He states that Goku dies in the beginning of the second film, and that three movies are scheduled to be released, aka a trilogy. So if Goku dies in the begging of the second film that means that it must be the begging of the Saiyan Saga; when Goku gets drilled by Piccolo (no homo).

    He also states that the film will hopefully be released in the Summer or October of this year; though this is contrary to the previous statement that Fox had made stating that it was pushed back almost a year. So what is right anymore? Besides Goku dying.


    Here it is.

  3. So, when paying in euro's, you actually get less Wii points, because if you were to pay the same amount in dollars, you'd get the same amount of wii points, only cheaper since the euro is worth much more then the dollar.

    On a slightly related note: America's price for Rockband ($179). Europe's price (€240).

  4. On that lag free thing, the last couple of days i have encounterd more and more lag. This is probably due to the fact that more pople have started playing it.

    I'm positive that this wil get fixed in the coming weeks if it becomes unbearable, but for now it's still good.

    BTW, i really miss having a headphone for games like this. I was racing against a French guy today called "Naruto". I wanted to shout "believe it" everytime i i knocked him down, but alas.

  5. Yeah the rating system says shit. I've had some excellent races, but always got knocked the fuck out in the last 30 seconds.

    The rating system in Wii sports was alot better. It judged your overall performance, not the place you ended in. This way it's way to easy losing the same points you earned in the previous race.

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