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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. the beginning of this has a very "Symphony of the Night" feel to it. (not saying that's bad... I love the SoN soundtrack.) Just the first minute or so.

    There seems to be a lot of great piano-oriented mixes getting submitted and accepted these days. I've always enjoyed hearing the piano backed up by modern instrumentation and synthesis.

    The drums have a great groove to them, and the piano is well sequenced/recorded. Lots of change in the dynamics.. makes it more realistic and puts more feeling into it. Nice stuff :)

  2. Z-man strikes again. I've enjoyed this as another favorite since I downloaded it from the WIP forum. I was always particularly fond of how he seemed to layer(?) the bass synth to get the different sounds at (seemingly) different velocities. Whatever it is you did, Z-man, it's great. The strings are as you put it once "la la awesome" towards the end. The high hat break starting around 3:07 is cool as hell.

    This mix makes me picture something important... I'm not sure what... Just something powerful.

    I'm sure it's no secret by now, and I find no shame in saying how much I look up to Ziwtra as a remixer. I'll admit I've taken bits and pieces of his style and tried to integrate them into my own (in a non rip-off sense I hope) for the fact that there is so much excellence going on in his work.

    There always seems to be an abundance of raw emotion spoken through the melodies and movements in most of his arrangements, and it is no different this time.

  3. wow. I downloaded this when it was in the WIP forum.

    This is a different mix from the last one you put up in there, is it not? The mixing/mastering is much better. The drums are toned down, the bass is cranked up a little (good thing).

    I've had this burned on a CD and I'd been digging it on my way to work many a-times over the last couple months. Ah, so that's a guitar, is it? I always thought it was some sort of funktified cross between a tenor sax and a synth bass. Whatever it is, I highly enjoy it.

    This is also shorter than the one I downloaded. Oh well. I appreciate your humility, as it is apparant that the standards you set make it obvious that you aren't going to waste you time creating something that wasn't some sort of challenge, nor submit something unless it is close to the very best you could possibly do. That shows integrity, especially as a musician. I think that's about as high a compliment as someone could receive.

    Great work

  4. on another note... maybe next summer (when i have time for music)... FFA remix project?? : D


    I'm all for it :)

    By then, hopefully I'll have mastered a couple of the techniques my mix showes I could improve upon ;)

    Seriously, though. This game has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. And I'm not talking about Sword of Mana. I'm talking about the original FFA. It definitely should warrent a "project".

  5. piano book, lol, that is truly awesome :D

    back in the day i picked out most of the songs on piano and used to practice them quite frequently. they're all nuts to play--very fast and lots of movement going on, so it used to help me condition my fingers.

    i'd love to hear a final battle mix. i don't know if i could do one that would give it proper justice, though. it'd be quite difficult with FL, methinks.

    you know, i didn't even know they made a sword of mana remake until the other day. quite different than the original. it was actually kind of weird hearing the "new" soundtrack. cool stuff, though. i'd like to play it.

  6. The first quote in the remix comments says that the main character and the final villian were once allies, but they weren't. Julius (the final villian) was an ally of Dark Lord since the beginning of the game, and Dark Lord keeps the main character as a slave to fight monsters for his own amusement.

    Also, FFA had 3 battle themes, Fight 1, Fight 2, and the Final Battle. This remix is of Mission of Mana, and Fight 2. But since the final showdown is 3 consecutive battles each with different music, I can't complain.

    you know, you're right. it's just been so long since i'd played it, i couldn't remember exactly. i did at least think that julius did help the main char. at some point, though, right?

    also, since this is fight 2 music, which plays during the 1st round of (well, technically 2nd) the last boss, you are beginning (IMO) the the end of the game at that point, thus the title was dubbed :)

    also, how did you find out the titles of the music?

  7. Not a bad piece of techno, thing that i'm wondering the most about is why the name seems to be Smashing Pumpkins reference (who had a song titled "The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning")? stylistically, this remix doesn't really make me think of either the pumpkins style, or of the style of their song with the same title. Not that it really matters, might have just been a coincidence, just found it odd. maybe i'm viewing the world too pumpkin-centrically.

    Taken from an email to liontamer on the same subject:

    Particularly, the name of the mix comes from the fact

    that you are beginning the last part of the game,

    which in fact became the first in a series--the Secret

    of Mana. Thus, Beginning the End of the Beginning of

    the series. *wink*

    hope that helps. :)

  8. great mix. as the name implies, it has an awesome ambient feel to it. makes you want to just lie back and drift away on the waves...

    the lead synth is the only quirk... as pitch-bending would have helped it flow TREMENDOUSLY. it came off a little choppy. definitely would have suggested some reverb/delay as well. other than that, it really is a beautiful piece of work. keep it up!

  9. Great mix. great feel to it. The only thing it lacks is some good pitch-bending for the melody. The choppiness of the lead guitar really gives it a really dated sound. Perhaps could have thrown some delay and a bit o' reverb on the lead as well. The rest of the song is fantastic. I just think that lead could have been improved a little. Keep it up, though. I give it a strong 4 stars.

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