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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Posts posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. I offered him many options. In the end, he wanted to be the only person on that track. I then asked Master Hatchet if he wanted to quit and give the song to Beatdrop, but he was very enthusiastic about the song and just seemed more confident. So I told Beatdrop that MH was staying, and I never got a response.

    If beatdrop's intentions are to simply be an elitist prick, then I say the album is better off without him. It's already been established that if you want on the album, you have to earn it.

    It's a shame because beatdrop's track really rocked.

    Very true. He has too good of a track for him to get all elite on us. But no matter, Hatchet is awesome too.

  2. Now that we mention it...

    OMFG we had an 8-hour VGF?!? Someone call the record books! :P

    wow...i wasn't listening, although i did talk to larry a couple of times off-air during the show before i slept around 1:30.

    well, i always knew he had stamina.

    Larry's Sleep Schedule This Past Week:

    Wed afternoon to thursday night (no sleep)

    Thursday-Friday (5hrs of sleep)

    Friday to Saturday (5hrs of sleep)

    Saturday to Sunday (no sleep)

    How will Larry Oji continue this reckless pace? Will he ever solve the Riddle of the Minotaur or wander aimlessly the maze of OCReMix babbling incoherently about D-Lux and "Toyota Disco??"

    We'll find out in the next episode "Larry is OverClocked," same Bat-time, Same Bat-place.


    And maybe he'll let me come too....

    Rexy: I think it would be funny to put up a betting pool as to how many hours of sleep larry will get before graduation. I'm guessing on average 3 a night.

    HAHA it's true! As i said when i called in, LARRY IS A ROBOT! He doesn't need sleep.

    HAHAHA, He is a Machine... A "Black" Machine haha.

  3. Okay folks, we just got Master Hatchet onboard. He'll be doing Flying Battery and (maybe) an acoustic gutiar rendition of Game Select.

    He's a very good musician, you can check out some of his work here:


    Data Select... :( I'm doing data select...

    Anyway, yeah SnappleMan getting on the project was just what the project needed. Welcome Aboard Hatchet.

    Note - I might not be here for awhile, I'm having computer problems.

  4. My only expectation is to hear some great music from a game I love playing.


    When you hear a Final Fantasy arrangment album or piano collection or something, do you hear every single song from the soundtrack? Nope. Rise of The Star for example. Is it using every song in the soundtrack? Nope.

  5. Hey Snapple, you have it confused. The final boss (after the death egg zone) is before doomsday zone. Its unfortunately too late by now, but if its not, try it.

    EDIT: Never mind. I fear this whole album is going to be butchered in its continuity. This is a Sonic 3 & Knuckles album and instead its coming together in a conglomerate of remixes. First it was the Sonic 3 ending, now the rearrangement of order. We're just going to end up with a mess of idea's that share no common thread on this CD if more people decide to go off on their own tangent. I don't want to critisize you KFC because it takes a lot of work to keep this going, but you need to be more of a sonic fan to really care about it. I do not know your intentions, but they are clearly not to make a full remix of every song in S3&K as I desire. My wish is not to manage this, but for you to apreciate what you are doing. You are heading the first S3&K remix album, quite possibly the most anticipated set of remixes of all time. Please do not fuck this up by steering away from peoples' expectations.

    LET ME TELLL.... whew... deep breath.... stay calm :)

    Please don't question my fandom of Sonic. Just because my name isn't based around him, doesn't mean I'm not a huge fan.

    I do not know your intentions, but they are clearly not to make a full remix of every song in S3&K as I desire.

    Problem two my friend. This isn't about you. Just because the project is done to YOUR liking doesn't mean it will be bad. Just try to enjoy it when it's done. There are a lot of mixers that will disagree with what you said (based on the ideas expressed by them earlier) so I'm just telling you what most of the others think as well.

  6. Announcement -

    I have been super stressed as of late. Alot of things are hitting my life at once, and what was once easy to ignore is now getting worse and worse. And it shows in my posts. Being a hardass is one thing, but being a jackass is another. And I my friends, was a jackass. I apologize to everyone involved in the project because my attitude really does hurt the project more than help. And I shouldn't curse you guys either. Now that my chin is picked up, I feel much better now. I just gotta keep pressing on. Once again everyone, I am sorry. I 10000% Promise that I will keep a cheerful mood when dealing with the project, since that is what we all need.

  7. Ok, a serious issue is on hand. And it's pathetic. You people just don't help each other like you should. This is a fucking team. But yet some of you don't even check the fucking thread. We all need feedback. Do you know we had a drop out because of this. You people need to shape up. Being busy is no fucking excuse. A few minutes of your time is nothing. I can't accept anymore of this shit. You people are acting as if you are in your own corner. SHAPE UP PEOPLE.

    Never, ever, cuss out your remixers. :whatevaa:

    You can say what you have to say without being pissy. Try to maintain some professionalism. :?

    Dude. They didn't get the message when I asked. I even asked nicely. They need to get the message. I mean, if they don't understand when you ask nice, then what other way is there? Look, I'll start to ligthen up a little more, but there is still no real excuse.

    EDIT - Thanks to the lack of teamwork and helping with each other we lost 3 mixers. THREE mixers. THREE.

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