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Everything posted by Chizniz

  1. I was right! That proves it! They come here for a sig, then leave the community and move to another where they can claim it as their own...or something to that effect
  2. And so the thread was bumped...
  3. Great, could you take it quickly, I dont want to host any longer :\
  4. I'm sorry that I took so long, been pretty busy lately. Okay, so I italicized the text one both, and I darkened the figure on the other. So which would you prefer? Or do you want me to make another edit *grinds teeth* (joke)
  5. I'll wait and see if NeoS wants me to make those changes, but ya I see what you mean. It actually went alot better then I thought it would. It was gross being able to feel the needle moving and tugging around there, but it wasnt harrowing pain like how others have had it. I'm just glad I dont have meningitis, that could have been bad... Now and again I get nasty headaches resonating through my skull because of the procedure, but thats supposed to go away pretty soon.
  6. I dont know how to emulate the effects used on the CD cover, but it looked all glossy and stuff so I tried to make yours all glossy. What do you think, any changes you want me to make? This is great! Love the lightning effect. One thing tho: could you make the NeoS like this? Okay, so you wanted italic text? Hows this?
  7. I dont know how to emulate the effects used on the CD cover, but it looked all glossy and stuff so I tried to make yours all glossy. What do you think, any changes you want me to make?
  8. Quit arguing. No one cares anymore. Go make sigs for people in need and be happy. God...Thanks rGTO *click* Hey your click is appreciated Chizniz. When I'm rich and out of college, I'll buy you a gift. Also, WHERE'S MAY!!?! Johnny had to kill her or she'd turn the rest of the crew into zombies = teh evil zombie I second Capn's post, you will get backlash from arrogance, so try and avoid going off like that Scrubzors. Not everyone has the technical expertise you do in photoshop. So if our sigs are not "up to par" with you, instead of tearing everyone's down and going off as an egotist, why not lend pointers and promote an atmosphere of better sigs seeing as the ones here seem to bug you so much.
  9. Quit arguing. No one cares anymore. Go make sigs for people in need and be happy. God...Thanks rGTO *click*
  10. This thread is due for a bump.
  11. There ya go, a whole set to choose from. (Erm, just to let you know, it is courteous to mention who put the sig together in your signature, cause that would make it look like it was made by yourself *the more you know*)
  12. Hm...it's nice and stuff, but...perhaps a little /too/ pink? If you have some spare time, maybe de-pink-ify it a little...if not, i'll have no problem using the one you made. Thanks a lot. ~WesPip edit: and..actually, i'll use it for now anyways^^ Okay, I am not sure exactly what you wanted me to change it to, but here are a few to decide on (hint: being a little more specific makes things alot easier/quicker!) Hurry and pick one, I wont host these for long...
  13. Alright, we're glad to have you here. Things go alot smoother with an extra set of hands. Welcome to the shoppe.
  14. Well I really respect the time for it, thank you. No prob!
  15. Hahahaha go for! No problem man, I'm glad to help out.
  16. Hello WesPip, here is your sig. Is the picture I used of Ayumi sort of what you had in mind? Anyway, here it is. If you want me to make any changes, let me know. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v388/Chizniz/Sig.jpg
  17. Glad you like it Roe. I actually had like 2 or 3 failed attempts, and at 3 in the morning I thought of this design and made it quickly before I forgot it.
  18. Okay, I will work on your request.
  19. Hey RoeTaka, the sig has been completed. You mentioned you wanted your sig to feature florae or faunae, so I found a design with all that. What do you think? Questions, comments, changes, let me know and i'll see what I can do! Here it is...
  20. Ah, Capn does it again. It has a classy feel to it, very nice indeed.
  21. Oh okay, will do. I'll get to work on it soon, just gotta get some stuff out of the way first (studying for midterm on the 6th in sociology -__-). Glad you're still interested by the way.
  22. What happened? I can probably tell you how to fix it. (Huge Edit) Okay, i'll tell you what happened. For some weird assed reason, the layers, filters, and edit menus were all greyed out. As well, most of my tools could not be used, I couldnt do anything, literally. As I mentioned, i tried reinstalling, and all that crap, much to no avail. I'm not sure if it was something I did, because I did nothing out of the ordinary, and i've never run into this type of problem before... I just tried system restore, but that didnt fix it (AND for some odd reason, my list of filters was significantly smaller. I had no blurs, few distorts, a couple of stylizes and thats it, and they were stilled greyed out. So I undid that restore, and I have my filters back... though still greyed out.) This is quite annoying, I dont know how it started or how to fix it... I cant even finish the project I have been working on for ages ;_; (huge edit) Make sure the image mode of whatever you were working on isn't in 16-bits/channel. That will grey out a bunch of the filters and such. Well, I downloaded a pirated version. Screw being legal, its as good as new now *sigh of relief*
  23. What happened? I can probably tell you how to fix it. (Huge Edit) Okay, i'll tell you what happened. For some weird assed reason, the layers, filters, and edit menus were all greyed out. As well, most of my tools could not be used, I couldnt do anything, literally. As I mentioned, i tried reinstalling, and all that crap, much to no avail. I'm not sure if it was something I did, because I did nothing out of the ordinary, and i've never run into this type of problem before... I just tried system restore, but that didnt fix it (AND for some odd reason, my list of filters was significantly smaller. I had no blurs, few distorts, a couple of stylizes and thats it, and they were stilled greyed out. So I undid that restore, and I have my filters back... though still greyed out.) This is quite annoying, I dont know how it started or how to fix it... I cant even finish the project I have been working on for ages ;_; (huge edit)
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