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Posts posted by _Raijin_

  1. he didnt mean anything about echo in th music, he was jsut agreeing with the prevoius comments aobut mastering. As far as I can hear this(the FF4 track) sounds way too close to the original to pique my interest much. same goes for vincents theme-> 1:03 in this track, that new instrument that you bring in is too loud, sounds very hollow and sharp next to the other instruments. Needs to be...well...replaced if possible. If not then turn down the volume, pan it out of the middle and eq it a bit better to fit it in. Im actually liking the vincent mix. It just needs more variety and needs to build more. I gotta ask you honestly now, did you import any parts of any midi files to base this tune on..? sorry for askin...but..meh.

    also, what the fuck was that bouncy thing at the end of vincents theme. that was just...pure fucking randomness lol.

    tbh...these kinda sound like midi rips to me, with a few random instrument reassignments and some of your own random stuff thrown in on top...if im wrong feel free to tell me to shut the fuck up.

    edit: ok, ffs i jsut found the ff4 midi on my pc(its even the exact same length as "your" track) that you blatantly ripped straight into fruityloops or something. piss off and make some real music on your own.

  2. I would really love to hear this in all the glory of real instruments, or some really good vsts and real guitar. the arrangement is pretty cool. things are defintely interesting almost right the way through. I'd almost encourage you to stay away from the typical medley approach on this one though and at 2:37, try to come back into one winged angel or something and mix in some other stuff as you go along, but bring it back to one hook and make it a cohesive song rather than jsut reeling off one track after another. There's far far too many final fantasy medleys out there, so make this one different, and it'll be remembered for it.

  3. I realize that it's got a good chance of not passing, however at the time it was at the best it was gonna be.

    I don't want harmonization, I want this as a solo track. I also don't really know what you mean by vocal doubling, but it sounds somewhat opposite of "solo," so, probably not.

    The vocals might not sound that great, but it was a pretty hard track to sing (ninths are hard! lol), and I am by no means practiced in singing, really. I do it for fun, and I enjoy it, but I certainly need work at it. For now, that's the best I've got.

    It's cool if you dont want harmonization, it was just a suggestion for adding a bit extra to the track. As for double-tracking, this is a very common (and often overused) method of beefing up vocals or instruments. Basically it jsut consists of performing the piece, be it (usually) vocals, guitar, strings etc, twice or more, the exact same, or as close as possible. Due to inevitable human error you'll never record the same thing twice exactly the same and it's these small differences in the parts that, when put together, usually panned to opposite sides, that give a much fuller effect. I use it a lot on guitars and my own vocals, for heavy guitars its used on almost every song you'll hear these days, for vocalists though like me who arent all that strong it helps give a good overall sound, even though it may not have been the best performance(s). Completely up to you though what methods you use. If nothing else though you might want to try it and see if you like the way it sounds, just for the sake of trying something new, you'd be surprised at the results ;)

    Good luck with the submission!

  4. so this has been submitted? not to put a downer on you but I doubt this will pass the judges. Did you think to double track and/or harmonise the vocals at all?(this should help to take the focus off of bad notes and flat areas whilst also fattening the sound and giving it more presence and diversity). Even with layers of reverb (and still a very annoying and noticeable delay effect) the vocals still dont sound great. Your voice has a lot of potential, in the hands of a good mixer. You just need to learn a few more techniques on mixing vox to get the overall sound that the vox need for this track.

  5. it sounds like at 1:35 theres another 2 bars missing or something, it cuts back to the main melody too fast.

    hmm don't know why it sounds like that. there isn't anything missing though...

    maybe theres nothing missing that was in the original (I've been working on a remix of it and have a different version engraved in my skull at the moment so it might be throwing me off a bit) but musically it sounds like it could use something more in there to tie it all in more cohesively.

  6. it sounds like at 1:35 theres another 2 bars missing or something, it cuts back to the main melody too fast. also the only thing i dont like about this part up to then is the loss of sustain on the bass at 1:29.

    The timing takes a bit of getting used to, but it works

    other than that its kinda nice but fairly short and repetetive, it needs some variety and fleshing out on both the melody and the bass side of things. good piano sound though.

  7. overall I like it, but it sounds just a little too cheery for cid, his track was somehow more melancholically downbeat but with that little added uplifting sparkle, which captured the character of Cid perfectly.

    As for the instrumentation here, the panning on some instruments is way off for orchestral instruments, a lot of things (to a fan of classical music) just sound plain "wrong" when I listen to this.

    First off is the staccato horn section that is constantly dead centre piping away and punctuating every single note through the song, it gets annoying pretty quickly tbh, try push them a bit more to the background, pan it a bit more left(where the horn section would usually be - and when the trumpets come in push em off the right maybe) they should be there to reinforce the melodic section, not overpower it, imo. The instruments themselves are really nice sounding though, some good samples used here. All except the lead horn (or is that a tuba, synths can be hard to tell what theyre meant to be heh) the attack on it is really disturbing heh, try to blend the MIDI notes together a bit more maybe to get rid of that very noticeable gap between notes and make it flow a bit better.

    The string section is very well put together though, overall this is sounding pretty cool, just a few small things at the moment that make it annoying to listen to repeatedly. also, like the others here are saying, maybe you can make it a bit longer ;)

  8. Had this been on vgmix, I'd say tier6. Yet it gets past the judges here :S It's a crazy fkd up world. This was a waste of my valuable bandwith.

    While I'm not neccesarily a fan of CotMM's work, I respect those mixes that I've heard so far from him. They're different, to say the least, but this one just goes somewhere beyond the acceptable realms of experimentation and falls well short of the definition of "music".

  9. (relaxing ahhhhhh) yeah, this definitely hits the spot. Im glad mv decided to stretch it out to 6:25, this is one of those tracks that could just go on forever and you wouldnt get tired of it, well fall into a deep deep slumber perhaps....

    I love the synths he used, sound more authentic than a lot of ehnic instrument synths I've heard used on this site. Wutai theme is definitely one of my faves. Not so familiar with the CT soundtrack but I think I heard that one somewhere before. Anyway teh two blend beautifully. The tempo change at 2:09 was interesting, wasnt too sure about it the first time I was listening to it but it seems to fit perfectly now. The transition from 3:02-3:28 of the two tunes goes over quite nicely. Finally bringing back in the Wutai theme at 5:12 this track is near perfect.

    _Raijin_ -+spark+-

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