Hello there,
This is my first arrangament for OCRemix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x0npzk4bc7443g8/Into The Calm Of It.wav?dl=0
Right now is not finished (it ends abruptly at 1:33). I will add more parts, the mix and mastering still need work, and I will make more minor changes to the the arrangament to make it more interesting
I have choosed a song from Secret Of Mana, and my idea was to rearrange the song into something more calmer, more contemplative. Maybe it will differ from the original but my idea wasn't to cover exactly the original song, but making something new from the original ideas of the composer (without adding new melodies or harmony).
Here is the original song:
I would like to receive any type of feedback. Arrangament/interpretation, production, performance, strucutre, etc...
Note that this is my first arrangament, I've always composed original music, so... any tip is welcome.