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Found 3 results

  1. Hello OCRemix! Here's one I feel is quite serious. *yes serious* *I will not be held liable for any reason of any sort.* I always have a lot on my mind, this is me expressing it. I've been hearing this remix over and over and was also trying to think of a way to reach out to others. As anyone, we all have issues, but a personal issue I have faced is suicide attempt. I won't get too much into detail, but I am still alive! Also, for anyone feeling this way too, I would truly feel happy if I could speak to you through this song and perhaps show you there is more to what we see, think, and experience. As mentioned before, I would love to touch others through music, but I feel I don't have a soft spoken mouth, I served in the USMC so I have a tad bit of "Sailor's Mouth" and I apologize, so in result I will do my best to censor and foul language if I need to do more, please let me know. Also, if anyone would like to talk to me about my songs I have no problem working with the community to stay within guidelines, as I want to be a solid part of the community you all hold! As a note, in a previous post I mentioned i'm quite novice with editing, this song has no editing done to it, as it is in progress. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3ipnszh7bb7hkz/it won't stop Censored version.wav?dl=0 The Original is here: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01196 By Rellik Arranging the music of one song... "Final Boss" Primary Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sega, 1994, GEN), music by Bobby Brooks, Brad Buxer, C. Cirocco Jones, Darryl Ross, Doug Grigsby III, Geoff Grace, Jun Senoue, Michael Jackson, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Tomonori Sawada
  2. Hello OCRemix! I have been a fan of this site for years! I've written to plenty and now I would like some constructive criticism, I personally don't know how to compose or write music at all, but I have been writing for over 20 years and everytime I hear these remixes it makes me want to write more! I'm unsure of licensing and issues with this and that and its quite a concern of mine, is there anyone I can talk to sometime about issues like this? This song's purpose is to bring my feeling to music when I experience driving in my car, the second I heard this remix I fell in love with it! As of right now I have three kids and life is a bit hectic, but I do manage to find a little bit of time to try to put something together now and then. Besides that, this is my first post! I hope somebody out there can feel what I feel when I hear this song, I hear it over and over so I just had to get it out of my system and onto this track! Please let me know what you think, this is Test Run #4 as of right now, until I get some more time and accommodations for recording vocals. I am also quite novice at working programs to provide quality editing, I'm attempting to learn each day as much as I can. I also apologize in advance if I take a while to get back to you. I also have lots of patience and am willing to listen and communicate effectively. I look forward to speaking to many of you, getting to know the community, and making more music! My dream is to touch people though music! I created a link in Dropbox, copied it, and ensured it said "Anyone with this link can view the file." "I Need to Burn Some Gas" Here is where I found the delightful original, Thank you Jewbei & Masato Nakamura! "Final Zone" Primary Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega, 1991, GEN), music by Masato Nakamura https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02240 Much Appreciated, MadDog
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