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Found 5 results

  1. back with a new sci fi tune.. now a halfstep dnb track with some spacey melodies download on my archives https://mellowsonic.bandcamp.com/track/redshift
  2. https://kingtiger.bandcamp.com/album/foul My first original rap song! It's a drumstep-esque EDM with a slick flow on top. It's $.50 (make sure you use the coupon/promo code "foulmsrp" in checkout or else it'll charge you $1.00). Please give it a listen and maybe even buy it! Here's a SoundCloud player:
  3. Hello. I have gotten really interested on producing both orchestral and rather melodic dubstep/drumstep styles lately and have tried to fit them them all into single tracks, and i was wondering are there people here interested on same category? I would be interested on hearing of such productions and discussing about them in general What about just producing only orchestral and or only melodic dubstep or drumstep? I was suggested to come visit here from DSF ninja community in hopes of advice for building full on orchestral music, well i have in fact already tried to compose some full orchestral pieces already on my own, but my compositions have been rather short so far so i have mostly only made them as intros on my tracks with virtual instruments mostly from Native Instruments and then just started making beats and sound designs after that with an faster tempo, here is my latest example: So any opinions or advice on that? I got already one useful advice on which i totally agreed: the part on around 1:50 in the track, on which i stop the orchestral intro and started making the verse and chorus, i first lower the tempo even lower down from 110bpm for few seconds and then lift it up to around 160bpm so i can make faster almost drumstep style track, but that precise part does sound kind of.. off, because the super saw sound design sounds weird while speeding up.. so should i make the part on which i change the tempo totally quiet and/or at least faster or with different sounds.. or should i just try to make full orchestral tracks as in keeping the 'intro' of my tracks out and making dubstep and drumstep and orchestral separate, trying to fit too much into single tracks can be kind of.. weird.. what do you think? Well then again on my own opinion, i like to try to fit lot's of stuff into my productions because for example the orchestral intro does bring rather exciting feeling into the track but then when it changes into dubstep/drumstep, it does have some sort of other feeling which makes me enjoy making the production. What about mixing and mastering? I have sucked at it especially earlier on and have tried to practice it more alongside with sound design and build practice and am not super familiar with chords either in general how they actually work, so far i've mostly just tried playing them on my midi keyboard or adjusting them otherwise in piano roll which would sound about right. My choice of DAW is Fl Studio 12 which seems to be my kind of workstation in all other parts except it being really hard on my CPU (annoying lag sometimes when there is lot's of stuff happening at the same time and CPU peaks at 100% usage) so don't know if any other would be better on that part but not in the set of mind on changing daw as FLS has best workflow for me at least and am familiar with it so i am trying to only get my productions sound better to people in general and i think that changing daw ain't the solution for that
  4. Hi VGM enthusiasts. After i got my "Psy-castle" through and had some attention about it, i couldnt hold back my other projects waiting to be finished. I had one Banjo Kazooie remix going on which i submitted to OCR 20 days ago. Then i also had this castle version of SMW2 lying around too. So i finished it, and wanted to up it here before i eventually decided to submit it. So "Psy Castle" was castle theme from SMW, and here is my remix of castle theme SMW2. Its a completly different genre though, not electro like the other remix. Also, Im known as both B-laze and Fungist. My future projects will be "Fungist" Original source here: Here is the remix, the genre i had to place under "drumstep" which is a blend of drum&bass and dubstep(?) (Be aware that the latest version is uploaded on soundcloud. The version on youtube is 1 day older. i reup to soundcould because i wanted to fix a few mixing flaws. The melody is the same as in the game, it might get a bit boring after 4 minutes but i couldnt improvise too much with the main melody. instead is just slightly moved a few notes here and there hoping it doesnt get too boring. However the last part of the song is 100% improvised. Download track:
  5. Hi all, I know this is an overremixed song, but I had a mix in the past that I submitted and never passed the panel. But today I bring you a totally brand new remix with a bit of real instrument. Wanted to test the design for a long time now. Hear it and enjoy it. It's drumstepish/dubsteppish metal song. https://soundcloud.com/rockos-1/rockos-undersea-palace Edit: Original source
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