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Logitech USB Headset 350 not working corrdectly - NO "OMFG NO SOUND" thread.

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When I got my USB Headset 4 or 5 months ago I was really happy, cuz' it rocked! Now it broke down.


I'll try to explain what happens.

I'm on a really old mac (G4, 500 mhz, Tiger 10.4.10), but it always worked perfectly (please no "HAHA UR COMPUTER SUXXORZ", I'm getting an iMac in half a year.

I usually use it to record stuff in Audacity 1.2.6. I also use it as headphones because my brother is often playing PS2 in the same room as I'm lisening to music with this headset. One day it suddenly was really quiet. When I turned the system volume full up I could just hear the sound. (normally it's already really loud in the quitest setting) I also recognized that the sound wasn't sounding "rich and full" anymore. It also sounded super mono. After making some really stupid experiments (like trying another usb port, etc.) I didn't get any closer to the salvation of this problem. When I thought "Whatever, I'll buy a new one then" I opened Audacity to record something. (It was sunday and the stores were closed.). So I recorded my vocals and accidently turned the pan of the vocals all the way to the left. My ears alsmost exploded, because it was so fuckin' loud! also the sound sounded rich and full again. The strange thing is the fact that the sound was still coming out of both speakers, but Audacity displayed only the left channel. I took a screenshot to show you.


Remember: There is output on both headphones. It normally is a STEREO headset.

My theory is that the frequencies of left and right kind of interfear and cancel each other out when stuff is panned to the center (which is almost always -.-).

What sould I do now?

Thanks in advance.



Sounds a lot like inverted stereo phasing to me, but I have no idea how this would happen, does it only not work in audacity, or all the time? I have no experience with USB headphones, so I'm not positive why this would happen. If it only happens in audacity then try going into the settings and finding something or other about inverted stereo channels. It could be something entirely unrelated though, as you pan to one side or the other does the sound fade in to really loud or is it instant?


It's always, everywhere and it's instant. As soon as I pan the headset 10 % to one side (which is one step, as well in system prefs as in Audacty) it suddenly is loud.

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