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My friends and I are getting a regular segment on a local Virginia Beach area podcast. What I would like is an 8-bit sounding 30 second intro song. Kind of like the very beginning of the song, "Girl" by Beck on the album Guero. Doesn't have to be crazy involved or anything, something short, funky and sounds like it's from an NES. I'd do it myself, but A. I lack musical talent, and B. I lack the technical knowhow to make anything sound like it came from an NES.


If something kinda ZX Spectrum/Commodore 64 floated your boat, I'd arrange you go and check out some of the in-game music at Lemon64 or other various sites like that.

If I could decode SID chips from C64s, I'd reccommend the Chase HQ theme. It's one of those stand-out retro gaming music moments from my childhood and it's one I always hold dear to me. Hold my thought while I go work on decoding stuff (or learning how to, in my case!)

I've no idea how to actually make the music, but i know how to adapt existing stuff, if you get me ;)

EDIT: There's an MP3 of the arcade rendition of the theme at the link below. Hope it can be of some use to you.


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