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"Phi Vs. Jayy Album"

The Electronic War has begun and the "Phi Vs. Jayy" clash has just started. The brothers duke it out electronically! Using everything they know about composing and creating Dance/Electronic music! Their is one track from the album available for download!

Judge for yourselves! Who's going to win this battle? Tell us what you think.

(More details soon)


Read some awesome comments about the album!

Track #2 Feelings of Freedom

Jayy starts us off with his first track of the album, and it has everything from house kicks, sequences, synthesizers, and some awesome catchy trance leads. This track is exclusively on the "Phi Vs. Jayy"album.

Listen to Feelings of Freedom (Jayy)

If you would like to download the (256 kbp mp3 file) version of "Feelings of Freedom (Jayy)" for free email me at jay@phijayy.com, or email my brother at phil@phijayy.com

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