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a while ago you were kind enough to review and post up the first two parts of this marathon remix set, I hope the third part is up to scratch..

AKA The Forerunner Mixes: Gamma

User name: integration

Real Name: Nicholas Singer

email: mail@nicholassinger.com

website: http://www.nicholassinger.com

UserID ?

Name of Game: Marathon (+Halo)

Name of track: Flowers in Heaven (+The Maw)

Original theme: http://www.eigenhat.com/midi/flowersinheaven.mov

As before, it's a bit messy and mixed specifically for headphones. Follows a similar structure to the others- establish theme, break it down and then build up to a 'halorgasm', then reprise the theme- only this time using the theme from The Maw to bridge into it, back to the original key of part 1 (alpha).

Software used: Sequenced and mixed in Logic Pro, instruments by Vienna Symphonic Library and Native Instruments, live cello recorded with mics by AKG and Neumann.

I Have to admit I am not a big fan of electric guitar but given that it is a major element to the Halo soundtracks (especially 2) I had no excuse not to give it a shot.. apologies to anyone offended by its lameness.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and I hope it puts across my passion and appreciation for these games and their soundtracks.


I just listened back to the tune I submitted last month, and to be honest am not happy with it at all and was hoping I could cancel the submission for the time being- if that's ok??

FYI it was the marathon mix 3 or Forerunner mix Gamma, a remix of 'Flowers in heaven'. Gonna try re-working it at some point but for now it just sounds like a mess to me.. so apologies for submitting it in the first place, hopefully you can see it as a false start or such.

best regards


Hey, no problem, Nick. Looking forward to seeing it again in the inbox here once you feel like you've got everything where you want it! All the best!

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