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I was on this boss for soooo long, so I am familiar with this song quite a bit. This sounds like the string parts have been sampled, although I'm only about 80% sure because the rest of the mix uses high quality sounds.

This is difficult. I like the mix, no doubt, but the question is as DJP poses it. The issue here is whether the sample carries the whole mix.

I'll come back to this one later.


Ok, I can say with almost 100% certainty (now that I've listened to the original extensively again) that the string parts are sampled. I don't know if the rest of the mix apart from the sample is strong enough to carry it. This is really tearing me in half, which I know doesn't help.


public boolean voteOn( Song squarephants.mp3 )


if ( electroretro_Did_All_The_Strings_And_Instrumentation_Sequencing_Himself == true) return true;

else return false;


if voteOn( Squarephants.mp3 ) YES

else NO

If you didn't get any of that, the someone try to find out if he did the strings and instrumentation himself or if he used a game recording. If he did it, I'll give it a YES. If not, its a NO.


So I saw the game title and the immediate word association was "Russell Cox," so I asked him to take a listen and clear up the issue, and he said:

Okay, literally and honestly, and you can quote me as I've just beat this boss two days ago -- this is nothing more than the ingame music with a drum loop and some synths thrown over the top. Granted, I think the break starting around 2:15 is original, but I don't think that it warrants enough 'mixing' to credit it as an arrangement to be published on the site.

So I think that clears it up and besides that the drums are like "BANG BANG IN YOUR FACE" the whole time, to an annoying degree... at least in my opinion. But anyway, hope that clears it up.

The obligatory NO


public boolean voteOn( Song squarephants.mp3 )


if ( electroretro_Did_All_The_Strings_And_Instrumentation_Sequencing_Himself == true) return true;

else return false;


if voteOn( Squarephants.mp3 ) YES

else NO

If you didn't get any of that, the someone try to find out if he did the strings and instrumentation himself or if he used a game recording. If he did it, I'll give it a YES. If not, its a NO.


So I saw the game title and the immediate word association was "Russell Cox," so I asked him to take a listen and clear up the issue, and he said:
Okay, literally and honestly, and you can quote me as I've just beat this boss two days ago -- this is nothing more than the ingame music with a drum loop and some synths thrown over the top. Granted, I think the break starting around 2:15 is original, but I don't think that it warrants enough 'mixing' to credit it as an arrangement to be published on the site.

So I think that clears it up and besides that the drums are like "BANG BANG IN YOUR FACE" the whole time, to an annoying degree... at least in my opinion. But anyway, hope that clears it up.

The obligatory NO




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