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Like I said in the subject line, this is my first submission to OC ReMix.

Anyhoo.. down to business, eh?

My real name (if it matters, heh):

My 'handle', nickname, whatever:

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webpage (not much there yet...):

I found OC ReMix on accident a few months back whilst looking for cool

techno stuff... and I realized i'd already found a bunch of songs from the

site off of WinMX. Anyway, I saw a submission in the ReQuests section for

the Twoson Theme from Earthbound one day, and boom, I made a ReMix. :)

Here's a link to the original SPC (I had to .zip it, sorry):

And here's the link to my song:

I hope that's all you need. By the way, I don't really like the ending, so

if 'the judges' send it back to me, could I have some suggestions as to how

I can make the ending better? I can't really think of any. Thanks :)

Thanks for your time, and I hope you like my ReMix.

-- ^_^


Very catchy with a sort of reggae-ish feel, well-used turntable and chromatic percussion, and high production quality - unfortunately, it's basically the tune of the original repetitively sequenced without the counter-melody and slapped onto pre-fabricated drum loops. The emotion is present, but the arrangement and content is lacking. It would probably be easier to plump this up by making it shorter.

As for the ending, if you're not satisfied with your own submission, what do you expect us to say about it? Since you asked, try going off on that last note with an accompanying cymbal. For now:



Very varied percussion, nice panning of the drums. Unfortunately, the melody is not really evolved from the orginal, and there were some parts where the texture could have been thicker IMO.

As for the ending, well, it just cuts off. You could have extended the reverb on that last sound or used a cymbal.



I would have to say that I really dig the percussion here. Other than that, this mix has a lot of potential as I see it. It currently lacks depth. Moreover, it's really quite unchanging and repetitive for its length. As the others mentioned, the ending is subpar.



I would say that the beat was good, but then I realized that its just a long strings of random drumloops.

This song is lacking in the areas of melody and lead strength.

I like the arangement ability, but the lack of an established melody kills it for me.

I LOVE that zipper sound! That works soo well.

Please try not to rely too heavily on drumloops in the future.


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