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Very interesting...

Things seem to be pretty well mixed, and I like the sounds used. The drums are very well programmed... nice work :o Transitions are smooth between the different songs, and the arrangement flows really well. Its sound gives me the feeling like it was recorded live, although I know it wasn't.

I will say that, although the samples used aren't fantastic, they're used very well and they function well together. I do think you could have used a different snare, though...

I absolutely love how easily everything in the song can be heard. Nothing is drowned out, and nothing stands too far out from anything else. Niiiiiiiice mixing. :nicework:

Only thing I really found to be painfully wrong was the ending. It was going, and GOING, and GOING, and then blah, dead. I'm not going to really hold it against you though, because the five minutes and fifty or so seconds preceding the ending were very cool.



This is a very interesting mix, in that it had my stedfast attention throughout. The transitions are done well, I love the stereo snare sound, mixing is very good indeed. Drum programming was indeed impressive.

I guess this is what happens when you spend four months on a mix. Four months!? 8O


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